Study this dialogue    .

Bity :    Dad, I want to send aunt Ratrl to a doctor. She is III '-{‘C/A „

Mr. George :    OK but don't drlye too fast because the road Is very slippery

Bitty :    Should J drop in my grandfather's?

Mr. George :    Ali ńaht, but don't sleep there because tomorrow you must go to sclwol early.

You will have mkJ semester test, won‘t you?

Siły :    Believe me, Dad, I will not stay there too tona, I must study for my test.

Task6 : Answer these questions, based on the dialoue above !

1.    Where will Bllly and Ratn go ?

Ans^^r - TreU lvil\ qo -to C'    '

2.    What does his father forbldjor?rv Answer

3.    ^ 4^.jjfesf

................................. .«••••••■*«

Answer    *r.

4.    Does his father perlit him to d'co - h:< g^ndfather ?

ressioń of prohibition *

Answer: ,]£?.?.t&...£Z~ >

5.    Can Bllly sieep a; praodfaf ^s/l/uwy • .li/?.»Sr..

6.    Which sentence sypports your a Answer: Jo&.f.W..'*-.

7.    Can you mention other expre5SioiH of prohibition Answer:...

Task7 : Make prohibition from the following situation!

1.    Suppose you are a mother. Your liltle sister will use your Sharp knife to help you cut the vegetables.


2.    You are a teacher, some of your students try to piay tnjant because they want to see football match in another city that aftemoon


3.    You are a husband / wife. Because of serious problem your partner try to have over drug Answer

4.    You know your llttle brother try to smoke, whlte you hate smoking very much.



Task 4    : Study the following dialogue then answer the questions!

HaDm :    Hi, Fel. What's the matter with you.

You look so unhappy ?

Madei :    My handphone which my father bought a week ago is tost

Hafim :    8ut you must be forget where you put it

Marfei    I had looked for łt everywhere, but! found nothing

Hailm    Do you remember your frlend who came to your house last nlght ?

Marfei    Oh ....Thankssomuch, Hallm.

My friend whom I met borrowed my handphone Haiim ; Don’t mention tt. And you must be happy now.


1.    Who think that his handphone was tost ?


2.    Which handphone did he looked for ?



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