looks liko wood Fools liko wood. Isn-L So il won'l spllntcr liko wMd. Standard on GTS modela. Aa is fuli inslrumentallon.
You slip through wide-opening doors Inlo łat bul lirm buckets. Fully contourod wlih soli mullipto plealing. Rcclincrs aro optłonal.
Ailsynchro 4- spcod change with consolo and lacho standard co GTS moccls Spocial closc ratio high-performańce vcrsio« with V8'S.
Sports steering wheel
Form-fitting buckets
Manuał sports console
For lhosc who feol lho world has gone a littlo grey we presenl Monaro. Auslratia‘s (irsl sporls machinę. Oosigned by Holden in Ihroe exciling vcrsions. So that ono of them is right lor any kind of driving. Monaro GTS '327' and Monaro GTS (covered on these Iwo pagos). And Monaro. Three sporls machines v/ith dtlferent driv-ing personalilios. Ono ol them yours.
Monaro is fully covered lurlher on pagos 10 and 11. Right now lel's laik GTS modols. Tho swash-bucklers ol tho Monaro movement. And we don'l just mean lho way thoy grab your eye.
Wc mcan groat big buckol seats in glistoning Sadion. A racing style louroo-thc-Hoor in a handsome console. Fuli Inslrumcntation— tachometer. oil gaugo. walor lompornturo gauge. ammeler and 140-mph speedo. Woodgrain on lho steering wheel. inslrumcnl panel and lloor console. Hoalor/demisler. Carpoting all ovcr. Goncrous slde ormrests.
We mean a rangę ol cuslom łoatures IhatTI give you all lho ox(m dolco vita you could wish lor. Air-conditioning by Frigidaire. Reclmers lor your buckets. Tho works. Soe tho tuli list lurlher on.
But most ol all we mean performance. Exactly how potent is up to you. The power gamo starts briskly wlth Ihe 145-hp '186S' ongine and ends with the throb of a 250-hp V8 found only in tho Monaro GTS '327' (along wilh olhor exclusivo goodies lislod a little lotcr). Ił you'd like moro shulllc on the GTS order II in tho tuncd and ticking shape of our 5-litre 210-hp V8.
It all springs to lile with incredible smoothness. Wide Irack and Iow slung design builds in road clutching tenacity.Gives Monaro clinging power on curves. superb straight-lino tracking.
Powor-assisted tronl dlscs aro standard. As is highly rospcnsivo fast ratio slooring. All ol which makes handlmg crisp and easy. So thoro's no need to Irembtc every limo your wiło wants to drive it to tho supermarket.
Which brings us to another item ol spocial in-terost lo lho fairer sox. Colours. There aro four, including Iwo now stunners we drenmod up especially lor tho GTS models. Bright Blue Metallic and brilliant Warwick Yollow (both to be scen on prcv>ous pagos). Sllver Mink Metallic and Picardy Rod complote a striking quarlot.
GTS tradomnrks of a moro rugged naturo aro sport whool dises. premium redlino tyres and rally stripcs lor those who want them. All aro standard items.
Talking ol tyres. Monaro givcs you a wealth to chooso Irom All aro on 14- wheels, they rango Irom 6.95 through 7.35 lo D70 wide ovals. Four or six ply. Nylon or Rayon, radial or cross-ply brands are availablc.
Make your choico Irom the custom lealuros chart at tho rear ot the calaloguc.
The Monaro GTS‘327’
What makes it tick?
327 cu.in. 250 h.p. V8.
61 amp, hr. heavy duty battery
4-speed manuał high-portormance. close ratio transmis-sion with (loor console
336 or 3.08:1 rear axle. with limitod slip difforontial Special roar axlo radius rods Wide 6.00J x 14 rally type wheels
D70 x 14 (Premium-H) special high-speed. wide oval, red band tyres
Low-reslriction air cloanor. dual exhaust system Twin oxhaust taił pipes, oach with dual chrome oullots Thafs what makos it tick.
Wo'rc not quoting pcrformanco figures. but lho word lor them is shattoring, For tho lirst limo, Australia has a lull-production car designod for drivers who know what they're doing. Ifs moro than hairy looks and horsopowor; moro than Just an ongine. Tho suspension and running gcar changcs aro all mado to pul the powor on lho road and koop it Ihcre. Tho ‘327’ slarts well, goes hard, corners Hat and slops safely. And ifs stlll lush enough to eat long trips in genuine Gran Turismo tashion.
Automatic floor console
Powerglrde on lho llooi Thoy dont come any smoother. You can order it with the *100*. leSS' and 5 l.tre V8 engine.
Rally tuned suspension
GTS modoi* hav© tncrcascd-ralo front springu Tho GTS '327‘ has special roar solo radlus rods to tako tho toughost ralty-styio driving.
Disc brakes
Powor assistod front dises aro standard GTS sloppers. Thoy ro both selt adjustng and virtually lado frcc.
250 hpV8
A little somcthlng wc whlpped up for tho GTS ‘327- Vfith 4 bar rei down-draft carburettor. chromo rockor covors, chromo air clcanor. Iow-rootricilon cjchaust system. Turns out ?5b-hp at 4.8CO r p m. on comptcssoon ratio ot 8.75:t. Comos hooked up to n hlgh-porformanco 4-spccd transmission with floor shitl. Twin cahaust pipos with dunl chromo outlota plua 0 ,327' oadgo tell tho world you’ro a power lo be reckoned with
Oplton&l all model* enccpt GTS ,327\ Flve libes O.splacemenL 210-fip al 4.600 r.p.m on a compresalon raliool 8.75:1. Hydtou-lic valvo liftom. camshatt contourod for livoly performance plus economy. Come* with 2-barrol down-drafl carburoltor, automatic choke. and limited slip dllforontial tor suporb controt on cornors. Your choico of transm sslona — 4 spood manuał or Powerglkto aulomalic.
Power Equipmont Chart. How qulck or how oconomical you make your Monaro i* up to you. Whalovor your noeds «hcro's an engine and Iransmlaaion lo auli you.
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