Borland's Mcdical Dlctionary defincs ‘symptom’ as ‘any subjectivc evidencc of discasc or of a patient *s condition, i.e., such evidcnce as pcrccivcd by the paticnt; a noticcable change in a patient’s condition indicative of somc bodily or mental State*.

The term 'presenting symptom’ or ‘presenting complaint’refers to the symptom or groups of symptoms of which the paticnt complains the most or for which he seeks medical advice. A subjective symptom is perceived by the patient only, while an objective symptom is obvious to any other'person.

As opposed to these subjeetive sensations of the patient, 4 sign’ is any objective evidence of a disease perceived by the examining physician. Physical signs are facts, objective and verifable, which are not apparent to the patient.

The easiest thing to remember the difference is to find out if you can say either “The patient complains of...”, which means it is a symptom, or “The patient has...” which indicates a sign.

Decide which of the following are subjective symptoms, objective symptoms and physical signs.

nzusca • incrcascd pulsc race • chesc pain * paipications • swcacing • enłarged liver * paJJor • weight loss • high blood pressure • migraine headache • abdominal cramp

*    icching * cough • shoreness of breath • insomnia • fcver • skin rash • swelling

*    cyanosis • a cold sore • vomicing * shaking chills • hoarseness • loss of appetite I

*    chesc discomfort • dizziness * chirsc • bruising • diarrhoea • swollcn lymph nodes

*    jaundice • painful urinarion • coochache • blood in che vomic • ringing in the ears • purplc skin * heartburn • scracch marks • barrcl chesc • blistering • belching

*    fluid in che periconeal caviry


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