esytte K&S-5 iwi? B ceiw iV «Rti fena-, a a px\-i pacro 411»v te.ro teedwi


■arrow bcads. as in Figurę 2 33. f&s#2-23

L-^ic Even-Number Fiat Peyotc „wtmutd)

I the beadwork:

; aro covering .in adddiapcd arln.lt with Pcyołc stitcłi. mjv find ihc necd to incrtasc or tkcrease your bcading ki me point in the pitce. Ścieli methode ©f inereasing dccrcaaing arc uselul wlłen needed to WCT an a rock •he Bcndcd Gould NctklacC. pige II©. Ihcrc arc way* crciit and dccrcasc on the edges ot' a piece as well;

w will not cover tliose herc sińce i*mc of tlić CU conUilicd wlthin rc^uirc edge incTcaLSes/decTeaseS.

Io maić a winplc inrnutse in tniddlc of a tow, use two instcad of one at the r- nt m which you want the n.rraw. n thown in Figurę Try to uic bcads tliat arc — >rc narrow than most.

, Whcu you make the n«n row,

i one befld bc-twcen the two

.intinoe wtas uig as bcforc the incrcasc.

leasing the bcadwork:

1| Tb make a siraplc dccrcasc ■r. the middle of a row, run «vur nccdle lliKiugh two up-! bca-Js—without addfaog in i bead between tltcm—and crjw them tighlly together, .o ł“ wn in Figurę 2-3-1.

_ - «n tlić nexl row. add one fread abovc tlić two beuds trum itep 1. as shown in F ą-re 2-35.

I i.ntmue wtwking a* usual on Se next row. as in Figuro 2-36. 1 u hase Jccrcaicd your work b»thc widlh of two bcad».

Ili iii

Fę^i-37    fipfc23J

Fgm l-3'»\)!-3S ho» a srasnr cuw n w<5 >tx ey tsty and t*«i *vi i *spi occtf- ,t

II yot tn dcing a o;hrn ci Py/rtn slldi. yoa ntoJ lo <*p 5itWe    in m na TTe Kai*. TU m srrg cn n He wy

tejnrra urs.ci icws 1 and 2 Wttn you otalcog IM row ałdng -cn bteds. ttw y? cratog t’« llikd rrw it Iht Itinl nu Kaes lltil plsIi or pili Be dtst h»o row ol trtads irfd o'-)* RgiM 2-37 5h:*t baw ire patiar. « up. As ytu piopress In yrr.r pdUn, lt«p dose mirt ol tte •s«simo iw count .3 wy r patat* >n toli:«og pmta.

It rray ‘rp to rtm:-ixt tlm tar.- ia» 15 orfy i nilFOtal Ccunt,tu rjtr. dŁjjxv=lh tr a :crrtct &:ort.



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