24 05

24 05

Ghoslyiew, yersion 1.5


SatJul 12 18:28:08 1997| (322, 453)

XboeMotrta( ta)



XboeMotrta- The Bellcoie Applkotioa Eavironmeat(BAE) XboeMotrta widget closs.





XbaeMatrta presents aa editoble orray of stdag dato to tbe u seria a scroilabie grid-like format similor to a spreodsbeet. Noa editable ptamops caa also be dśplayed oa tbe matrta. The rows aad columas of tbe Matrta moy optioaaiiy be labeled. A ba, a aumber of ftaed leodiag or trailiag rows or co hi mas moy be specified - tbese behave similorly t> the lobels. While XbaeMatrta looks aad octs like a gńd of \mTextField widgets, it actualiy coataias oaly oae XmTe*tField. Thisiacans tbat XbaeMatrta widgets with tnjadaeds or tbousaadsof rowshave mucb less overbead tbaa tbey would if tbey used aa XmTextField forcocb celi.

Hic king o

celi with Buttonl will edit tbe celi. While a cellis beiag edited, Tab aad Shift-Tab will e tbe celi to tbe dgbt or ieft respectbely. Tbe osfUp aad osfDown keys will edit tbe celi obove or bele Ctrl-T4b aad 5hift-Ctrl-T4b willtrarerse out cif tbe Mitr ta ind iato tbe ae.ytor previous tab groups.

Tbe csfCancd key will caacel aay edits modę to a ccii. Tbe osfActtaate key will comrnit aay edits madę t> a celi aad storę tbem la tbe Matrta. Wbea travejsiag froia ooother tab group iati tbe Motita, tbe focus will go to wbicbever celi Is curaeatly beiag edifcd. If oo cells are beiag edited. tbea tbe u pper ieft most vis-

n-ftaed celi will be edited.

Tbe co Jurna sizes may be dyaamicaliy resized by pnessiag tbe Sbift-Bu ttial combiootiaa wbea over a col-uma botiadaiy, slmllar to tbe behaviourof some popular spreadsbeets. Aftera ooluma bas beea resized la tbls maaaer, tbe XbaeMatrta calls tbe callbocks oa tbe XmNrcazeColumnC3llback collbock list for post piocessing.

If tbe Matrta is resized uatil it is teo smali to display oll of tbe cells la a givea dimeasioa. tbea it will display a ScrollBar for tbat dimeasioa. Tbe borizoatal SciolIBor will scroll tbe cells aad columa lobeb. but aot tbe row labels, ftaed columas or trailiag ftaed columas. Tbe vertlcal ScrollBar will scroll tbe cells aad row la bels, but aot tbe calu ma la bels, ftaed rows or trailiag ftaed rows.

Far tbe applicotioa programmer, XbaeMatrta provldes callbocks to ossistia data volidotioa. Tbe callbocks oa tbe XmI'taodifyVerif>C alibi ck collbock Ibt are called before text Is iaserted iato, or deleted frorn, a celi. This collbock list caa be usedto force user laput to mofch a certolą tern piąte (eg. a datę format).

Wbea a celi is edited (by cl ic king oa it or tabblag lato it). tbe XmNleaveCeliC3]lback callbocks are called for tbe prevlous celi beiag edited, if aay. Tbe applicotioa caa verify tbe data eatred la tbat celi aad disal-fow editiag of tbe aew celi if tbe data is iavalid. If tbe data was volid, tbea tbe toLNenterCellCallback callbocks for tbe aew celi are called. These callbocks caa be usedto specify tbe editobility of tbe aew celi Tbe XmNtraverseCeUCal]back callbocks are also called wbea tbe user Ottem pts to edit a aew celi. This allows tbe applicotioa to override tbe default traversal bebaviorof Xbae]Matrta.

Tbe XiiiNdefauItActiDnC3llback is provlded toollow a double cllck actloa ir

a perform s

MotifsDrag aad Drop fuactioaalitycaa be acbieved via tbe XmNpr cccssDragCallback.

For large omounts of dato, tbe overbead of ossigniag data to tbe widget caa be avoided usiag tbe XmN-r defiaed ptamaps to be ploced la a certolą celi. Wbea ttea back to tbe applicotioa by usiag tbe XmN\vriteCell-

drawCeliCaliback. Tbis collbock also a usiag tbis collbock, data forstriag fields c. Callback

Tbe closs oome Is XbieMitrta.

XbaeMatrta iobents bebovior ond resouroes frorn t widget dosses.

Tbe closs poiateris etbaeMatrtaWidgetClass.

: Core, Composite, Cccstramt, ood XmManager


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