Coroplctcd płcturc messures 16" Mjuare
Glosss qual u> crochct cotton (or unc fil d'Ecosśc) sirc 20: about 325 yds whitc and smali amouni cach bluc. oliw grccn. grccn. ycllow, shaded brown and ocher. Steel ero-chet hook US niw X (1.25 mm) or SIZEFORGAl (.1 Pielić Moir.N ptttil* and caliccs of sarying thiclc-nesses and uta Snuli amount metal uite (32 ga is probably befl) Gluc. For backing. stifF cardboard or thin pływood piece 16“ sąuarc. eov«cd with fabric of \oor cho*cc.
4” $quarv - 17 rocshcN and 17 rows. TAKI; TIME TO CIIECK GAUGE.
GROUND: Wlth wbite eh 211 *5 to tum (3 eh tocount as first dc and 2 di for ch-2 Ip of first open mesh <om>) ROWS 1-70: Dc in 9th st from hook and work in filtt u. altcmatc om and solid meshes <sm> up to ross 12. then cont with om only. At end of row 70. fasten otT. Barkgruund: Center crochct piece on top of the lincd cjrdboard or plywood sąuarc. tum lirst 2 om rows to WS, gluc in place, rep with last 2 rows then with 2 meshes at cach sidc edge. forming comers at the same time Set asidc.
BOI Ql KT A: Complcte 7 flow. en A as per corrcsp diagrams with
GAUGE: 4* wuare * t7 meshes and 17 rows
bud 65: round off cach pctal to crcatc concavify. «t«h to stem
loav«sA9: comptete 16 leavts of wi wos (you decide)
l |«u,
additional intfruclions. Work first 6 mds of flowers A2 and A3 same as for Al and A4. \ow rep mds 5 and 6 and end w ith mds 7 plus X of diagram** as toobUin Kl-mdlirolcad ofS-mdl Howccn Work lcavcswith olivc grccn thread. For A8 choosc a stem sulTicieruly thiefc to be a mai n sicm for the eiHirc bouąuct and cos er it with grccn thread. Next. seket thinner sieni* for cach flow-er. kecp wrapping same as for main stem and attaching ihem to main
assembl/ see insnuetiom
to attath 4leavosto stem. w rap otive green thread tightly
vouisd stem
stem as sou go. then also add leases lołlowing diagram. Lastly. altach llossm thus: gluc beg Ip of llower to cal»ce and to tip of stem. tlsen gluc bottom of pistils in place to beje Ip instde flow er Cont to wori in this was for the entire bou-quct. atranging the llowcrs as per oscrall diagram Gluc this bouquct to filet m ground. shaping leases and flowers for dimensional eflcct and holding them in place with a fcw dat* of gluc.
om ot bacling
lea(B7 matę 4. cach of a different sir#
BOI Qt ET B: With >cllow. coro-pletc 4 tlowcrs followaig corrcsp diagrams and also 3 pętak for grccn bud To awinhlc. ooser a thin stem with thread tsee dogram), ammge 3 petals at tip. wrap thread around tightly Complete leas es of different sizes. gluc a smali piece of metal ssiie to the bock of cach so as to be ahlc to cist them shapc latcr. Prcpirc main stem B6 ncxt. add thm stem to it same as for bud. altach flouers and loas cs same as for bouąuet Gluc bompiei B to filet st ground.
BI I TERH IES: U- isg shaded brown and ochcr thread. complcte Cl and C'2 followmg comesp dia-gramv fonstuct body and wmgs with gluc as per additional mstruc-tiotu. Ghie buttcrflics in place to
r™"1 a«»M
see instructons
in cylinder formed with 5 mds of sc
BPde: itert hook from back to front around post of corresp st on md betów
stems 66
tNck (or main) stem: work u Chain length y of iłem, work V .
2 rows ic W acro*8 bog ch; . ' cover storn \ with band thus obiamed and blindstitch edges log
blindstitch plastic s»m