1416 BI5LGIUM - Oostdyck - Rndnr stalion. Light. Fog signnl. Radar bcacon. Light Lisi Vol. B, 2002/03. 0147 ALRS Vol. 2.2002/03: 54015 (9/03)
Sourcc: Bclgian Noticc 2/53/03
Chart 323 (INT 1564) | piwious update 1373/03 J WGS84 DATUM Insert O41-l(5)Y.20sl5ml2M Horn Mo(U)30s Rtklnr
radar bcacon, Racon (O) ai radar station:
(a) 5T I6'-49N..2'>26'-85R. (a) abovc
Chart 1406 [ prcvious update /119/03 J WGS84 DATIJM Insert O4l'](5)Y.20sl5m I2M l lom Mo(U)30s Radar
radar bcacon, Racon (O) al radar stalion:
(o) 51° I6'-49N.,2’>26'*85C.
(a) above
Chart 1872 [prwious update 1415/03 j ED50 DATUM Inscrl ©4FI(5)Y.20$15m 12M Horn Mo(lJ)30s Radar
radar bcacon, Racon (O) at radar stalion:
(a) 51° I6’*54N., 2n 26-93IL
(a) abovc
Chart 1873 (INT 1480) [previous update 1373/03 ] ED50 DATUM
Insert 04FI(5)Y.20sl5ml2M Horn Mo(U)30sRadar (a) 51° 16*-54N.; 2°26'*93E.
radar bcacon. Racon (O) at radar station: (a) above
Chart 24491 prerious update 489/03 J ED50 DATUM Insert O4FI(5)Y.20sl5ml2M Horn Mo(U)3(Js Radar
radar bcacon, Racon (O) at radar station:
(a) 51° 16'*49N..2°26',85li.
(a) abovc
Plot the position or mark through the tracing where the Radar Station shotild be. Draw a smali circle with a doi in the middlc onto ihe position. You should have a templatc for drawing larger circles. Centro the larger circle onto the radar stalion position. Once this has been drawn you can wrilc the light description of the radar Station in a convenienl location elose to ihe larger circle. The radar stalion will need a light flash drawn on it as it is lit. up at iiighL.