1042* INDONKSIA- Nusst Tcnggura - Sumbawsi,West Const - Teluli Uunctc - Light.
Uglit Lisi Vol. K. 2002^03, 1299.56 Sourcc: PT. Ncwmonl Nusa Tcngarra
Chart Aus4l4| previons upJate 2341/02 | UNDEiTGUMlNED DATUM
Movc ☆l;l.7sl2M from: S!,55'-1S., 116° •I3’-7E.
lo: 8“ 5-4'-lS.. 116° 43’-SE.
Chart 3706 [preriom updafe 4918/0i ] UNDETERMINED DATUM
Mov« '&Fl.7sJ26ml2M from: 8" 55'IS., 116° 43-7E.
to: 8n 54'• I S„ 116° 43
Marincrs should notę thal il is not good practice lo arrow a Iight to ics ncw position as the position could be misread. You should always rclocacc the liglit and delele il in ils old position. Do not copy the tracing, as shown. Remember Łracings arc pritnarily designed lor the people who print the charts.