Example 7
1386* 1RELAND - West Coasl - Approaches lo Slrgo - Oyster Islund - Mętni Man Uoeks - Liglils,
LiglU List Vol. A, 2002/03.6244. 6244.1 Source: Comtnissioncre of irish Lighls Noticc 3/03
Chart 2852 (plan, Sligo Marbuur) | previous update 4539/98 J OSI DATUM
54" 18’* IN.. 8° 34'-2W. 54° IS'-2N., 8° 34‘-5W.
Amcnd lightto, Fl(3)6sl3m7M
light to. Fl(3)6s3in7M
Chart 2852 [ptwious upchnę 4539/98 | OSI DATUM
Amcnd lightto, FI(3)6sl3m7M 54" 155'-IM.. 8°34'*2W.
light to. FI(3)6s3m7M 54" 18'-2N.f 8° 34'-5W.
With such big changcs lo ihc liglu descriplions it is easier to rewrite ihe complctc description above or below the old one. Choose on aron tliai is fairly elear so that you can read Ihe description clearly. Always remember lo delete tlie old description.
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