1150* NORTH SEA - Netherlands Scctor - West Fricslnnd TSS - Nic w Zccland Gromlcn - Huoy.
Radar bcacon.
Sourcc: IJK. l lydrograpliic O fil cc & II Bcnnci Chart 1405 [ prerious update 1113/03 J ED50 DATUM
Dclcte 4 VQ(9)10s and associatcd radar bcacon. Kocon (O) 53° 34'-60N., 3° 37‘-40E.
Chart 1408 | piwious ufidate /119/03 ] WGS84 DATUM
Delele 4 VQ(9)lOs and assocaitcd radar hcacort. Kocon (D) 53° 34'-55N., 3° 37-50E.
1151 NETHERLANDS - Friesland .lunction - Wicek. Htioyage. Radar bcacon. Sourcc: Netherlands Not i cc 5/87/03
Clinrt 14051 ptwious update 1150/03 ] ED50 DATUM Insert (5 buoys) |
(o) |
54c 02M7N., 4° 45'-94E. |
Ł 0(9) 15s. elose W. of: radar bcacon. Racon (D), at buoy |
0>) |
(a) abovc (b) above |
Clinrt 1507 (INT 14I9)[ ptwious update 769/03 | WGS84 DA'1‘1 JM Insert •-fh1:- (5 buoys) |
(o) |
54° 02'• 12N., 4° 45'-85E. |
I 0(9)I5s. close W. of: p |
m |
(a) above |
d 0(3)1 Os. close E. of: radar bcacon. Racon (D). at huoy |
(a) above (b) above | |
Clinrt 2182A (INT 1043)1 piwious update 770/03 ) WGS84 DATUM Insert ■© |
54° 02M2N., 4°45'-85E. | |
Clinrt 2182B (INT M2)\ pmrious update 764/03J WGS84 DATUM Insert @ |
54c 02'■ I2N., 4° 45'-85E. | |
Clinrt 4140 (INT 140)| piwious update 52/03 J WGS84 DATUM Insert |
54° 02'-l2N.,4D45‘-85E. |
1. NM 1150 on this page shows a simple clelelion. Each part of chc symbol must be deletecl. If you only have a vcry thin nib on your pen you should use Iwo lines lo scorc Ihrough each part of the symbol. If you have the thicker nib availablc, il is acceplable lo use one ihick linę lo score ihrough each part of the correciion.
2. NM 1151 on this page shows Lhe inserlion of a wreck which is marked by 5 buoys. Close west of the wreck is a Cardinal light buoy willi a Radar Beacon. The only accuralc position you havc is for lhe Wreck. It is hnportant that this is ploiied correclly. Draw a smali circle and arrow the wreck to this position. The olher buoy should be arrowed lo a similar circle, drawn very close west of the wreck.