AQUA-LIT's North Sea Learning Lab

"Bow can the aguaculture sector contribute to reducing narioe litter?”

26 Koveaber 2019, 9:00-14:00 Conference Hall, VLIS, Wandęlaarkaai 7,8400 Oostende

The A2CA-LIT Learning Lat es ar. interactive workchop chat x:ll assemble stakeholders from the aguaculture sector. The Leamir.g Lab will te facilitated using a participatory aethod in order to er.courage knowledge sharing ar.d co-creation and to develop a mutually vaiued and acceptable toolbox. which could become exemplary and point out the path for other sectors.

The objectives of the Learaing Lab are to:

** Federate and engage stakeholder communlties in preventar.g, reducar.g, monitoring, ęuantifying, renovar.g and recycling marinę litter from acuaculture operations;

** Facilatate the adoptior. of successful exastir.g Solutions through capacity bualding;

•* axplore the potential of innovative Solutions to aarane litter reductior., removal and recycling;

** Improue the understar.dir.g of the specific r.eeas of stakeholders to saximise the impacts of the project.

Learaing Lab expected outcomes

Tartacipating stakeholders will co-desigr. tools for preventir.g, reducir.g, monitoring, guantifyiag renoving and recycling marir.e litter (e.g. polystyrer.e floats, plastic ropes, food sacts, buoys, etc.). They will make use of their experience, best practice, lessons learnt to share, assess ar.d select the existar.g tools or design new ones.


09:00-09:30 Welcome + Coffee 09:30-10:20 Plenary Session

•    Introduction to ASUA-LIT (Fien Se fiaedemaecier, VI12)

•    State of play of nor.-organac litter from the aguaculture sector (Marchias Sandra, VLIZ)

•    Policy measures that help reduce marir.e litter (Senne Aercbeiaen, FF3 Health, Food Ch^ir. Safecy and Snwironment, Marinę Fn-.-ironmenr Serricel

•    Objectiues of the learaing Lab and expected outcomes (Faen Se Aaedemaecker)

10:20-11:00 Round table Part 1

Xnteractive workshop where participants wili work in groups to ider.tify and assess Solutions ar.d methodoiogies from three perspectives:

•    Table 1 - How car. the aguaculture iadustry be morę effective in prewcnfing and redncing its non-organic waste?

•    Table 2 - Kow car. the aguaculture sector te morę effectiue in monitoring and gaantifying its non-orgar.ic waste?

•    Table 3 - Kow car. the aguaculture sector be morę effectiue in removing and recycling its r.on-organic waste?

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

+ demo session on aquacultore litter (Francis Kerckhof, A51HS) 11:30-12:00 Round table Part 2 12:00-12:30 Round table Part 3

12:30-13:00 Plenary Sumnary Session

•    Preser.tation of results by 3 rapporteurs

•    Discussior. & wrap-up

13:00-14:00 Lunch break

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