38spB jpg jpg

38spB jpg jpg

Specimen Order Form.

A elearly worded order it the best way lo ensure prompt .ind accurate despatch of spares. We lliercfore suggest tliat orders should be madę out in the (ollowing rnanner :

TO : (Namc 6c addressof your usual dealer) ((’uslomer* AJdress)




De ar Sirs,

Kindly lorw.ird the fol Iow mg parts againtt cash (stule amounl) enclosed.

or ; Kindly forward the following parts j»er C.O.D.


or ; Kindly forward pm łomu invoice lor the following :—

For Model • * • Ycar • • - « Engine No. & Prełix Letter e.f • /er Model VH. 1918.    CD 1234

Quantity Spares No. Description    Pricc

(GiPC lisi of Parli requircd)

Add 10 ,. sparc parts inerease lii still in (orce)

Add sułficient to covcr |>ost and packing

I otal Cosi

S»gn your name clearly.



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