3LB 11

3LB 11

- 2 -

It sounds lovelv!

The ^first few j ° looked ' rather \shabby j (° ) j ° they ^\nay have

B. 0 Weil ' wait a yminute. i , Then l ( started ' going /round j ' looking at the ' places Td \raarked. |

been , ail /right j ^really | (° ) | ° but \nyhow, | ° the ’ first place I' went and in^quired at | ° had ' just had a new ' coat of ypaint. j ° I sup ' pose 1 that’s what ' caught my xeye. i ^"inside it was nice (j) \oo, j ° but ' un^fortunately , j 0 they were ' booked right \ip. |

° So I went to^place next ' door. j ^They were booked up (|)(° ) \oo. /really, |

° but it turned /out, j ° thn they’d ' just had ' several canceiNations | ° for the ' second fortnight in xAugust. | °    1 went and ' looked at the /rooms j ° and ' took them on the

\spot. j

A,    ° You xxdidnT! | ° I xx say! j

B.    Yes. |°    There ' didn’t seem any reason \ot to. | 0 The pro '    prietor was **most x    friendiy j

° j 0 he    madę me a ' special'    ratę for the /children, j 0    and I    '    had the /feeling |

° we should be ' well looked xafter there. |

A.    Well that    xxdoes sound nice. j    ' How ' far is the ^sea?

B.    Right on^doorstep. | 0 You    ' only have to ' cross the    /road    |    ° and you’re ' on    the


A. ' Is there a ’ view from our ^rooms? | ' Which ' way do they xface? j ° Do they ' get any sun?


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