Scotland united with england wales and ireland: 1707 James I act of union sc&eng.1800 ireland; Scotland: Highlandslmountains.few people).central low!ands(cities edinburgh.glasgow. ship bulding.commercial center)southern uplands(agriculture).
Union Jack: 1801 flag of UK comb of cross of st. george (england). cross of st andrew(scotland), cross of st patrick(ireland).:islands: shettard island(N of orkney). orkney island(N of scotland). hebridies(west Scotland), isle of man(bet. irl&eng). anglesey. isle of sicilly(SW). isle of wight(south), channel island(france):Lands End: most South part of engl.John Q'Groats: North part of Enal.:Parks: North York Moors(N engl). Northumberland(N engl). Yorkshire Dales ( N engl). Peak district NP( Midlands).:
London: The City(financial businesss centre).west End(shooping entertainment center).westminster(gov. center)East end(center of clothing industry)
East Anglia: extremely fiat region agriculture 2 oarts Fens(lowlvina land richest farm land ) & BroadsTśtreams. no industry.only agriculture):.Forties: fields found in North sea. big source of income for scotland.:3-4 nurserv.5-11 primary(5-7 infant. 7-11 iunior):3 core Subiect: Engl. Math. Science: 6 Foundation Subiects: Hist.Geo.Art&music.Technology & design.Physical Education. Religious Education:GCSE: age 16 in 5-6 subiects:Churches: the church of england(anglican) & the church of scotland(presbyterian)