Timing btbod the car*.
6 Timing.
Next mix jevcr*l dtcpł of bum? łienna wtth an ct^uai amwiu of gcvi to ge: a warm tcd-bcown- Fili In che eyc circle* »?;h thi> co!oe, Switehlng 10 your larget brujh. add watce so chU roiiith-fcrowTt ccfor to make a wath. TcJt the eotulitcncy on newapłpc: to be wite (lvc tln: i» tranłparcnt. Usc thiv tin: to decpen the coioe of wlect fu: linę*. Bcgńi by fcathetlng stroket out treen behind the hcad. but kaee the tlpł ofyeor lines untinted. Movc down to the tvext set* of linę* on the bock and lint the area clatei: to the thad-owed botdfiJ. again lcaving the tip* untcoched.
On the hautteh. »vold tintins the outermojt łet of petckly łtrokcł. bat tln: the inner fur linet Re me trier, :f the ttnt pigment ił too heavy. It wili obeute your ońgśnal beułh ttrokci. If tlm happen*. pick up tlte exccw pigment with a tiuue white it ił MkH wet and add morc water to your w«h.
On the face. tin: the area bctwcen the eyeł and feathet your wrokci into the fotchead. Lcave the light areał around the cye*. Ttnt tlte entire taił.
The Art <if Pjimin: Anindli on Koci)