Refemng to Figur* 4-22, begin wcavtng thc iuxklacc by uking both nredles thiougłi one brown sccd bud. Thread a wlutc sccd bmd on cath nccdlc. Paw each nccdlc through oik brown sccd bcad from opposite directions and ptlO snugly.
Pick up a whitc sccd bcad on cach nccdlc and past both through one brown sccd bcad from opposite dimliom. Kcpcat once morc.
Pak up threc brown md bcad» on cach nccdlc and one bkonc on oik nccdlc. Pat* thc secortd nccdlc through thc bkonc front the oppoMtc dneetłon.
Ptek up threc brown sccd bcads on one nccdlc and (bur on thc otlier. Pass ftrst nccdlc through thc Ust brown bcad on thc setond nccdlc, front thc opposite direction, and puli snugly. thc partem doinp, threc brown-whitc pattems and one bkonc to desired Icngth- The simplc i» 15 bicones long. End with thc sccd bcad panem.
IVicnninc thc top oł the cabochon and pass both nccdlc* frum thc wovcn strap through a bkonc.
String on Iwo dtocoUte sccd bcads and pass through thc nest bicone. Rcpcat until you havc cxited the fourth bkonc.
Wcavc tecond hałf ol ncsklacr, ttarting with thc sccd iKad patiem. Fic off thc other end and altach a clainshcU bcad tip, a cnmp bcad, and thc dasp.
Cut an H’ to 10" length of tlircad and place a nccdlc on cach cn«L Thread on scvcn brown sccd bcads and center them on thc thread.
String on one bkonc, pass cach nccdlc through (ront opposite directions, and puli i!k thread snugly.
String four brown sccd bcads on one nccdlc and threc brown sccd bcads on the sccond nccdlc, Pass the scioitd nccdlc through thc fowth bcad on thc otlscr siilc.
Al tema te whitc and brown sced bcads and wcavc, as in thc lett-moc ponton of Figurę 4-22. Do threc patterns.
Thread on a clamshcll bcad tip from iIk outssdc in and add a cnaę bcad. 1 te off the threads against the crimp bcad. Gluc knot, inni. and dosc ilic damshcll Attach to eirring finding.
Rcpcat steps I through 5 tor othr carring.