1 Doubk-thmd your needle x> you have 24" Securc thc cod with a crimp bead and 4 damshełl tip,

^ Rtfcrring 10 Figurę 5-1. itring on bead tctpiracc F-F.-D and tbrn alternate •be grecn 8° *ecd bead* with thc bronrc pc-arli (E-D-E-D) until yoti have jboul I6~

En ii the heading tcquen<e with 4 green 8° seed bead and bron/e 11° seed bead ■ E-F). Finish the itrand with 4 clamihell tip and i crimp bead. Set jsidr.

3 Ho » IOW of right-anglc «<avc with thc brodze II* wed bead* tiul 1* long cttough to go around the ItCCk of the drawer-pull. Ftice around the drawet puli and tie olT. Knot. ghte, ind bury y»ur thread Uils m the Work. Set *iidc.

Single-thread the needle •»ilh about 5 teet of thread. uringa broruc !!• seed nead, alternating with a green 8' ieed bead. until •uu hast ut bron/e and :V»e green (F-EF-E-F F. F-E-F-E-F). Remore the thread from thc needle and center iIk- Iwndc.

3 Relhread the needle with

'th eitds uf the thread md itring on beadi in the wąuence sbown ui Futurę 5-2 (E-F-C-F-A-F-C-F-E-D-E-D-E-D E-F-i F-A-F-C-F-E-D-ED-E-D-E-F-C-B). Słring on the drawer-pulL

f) Thread on beadi ui ’he w-pjence iliuitraled tfl Ftcurc 5-3 (A-F-C-F-E-D-E-D-E-D-E-F-C-Fi. Repeai thts paltem twke


7 Thread on one green oval bead. one bronze l ]• «<d bead. one pretn taceted bead. one bron w 11“ tccd bead


§ To finnh thu itrami. alternate green 8® ieed bead* with bronze pearli

(E-D-E-I)) until you have 21 E‘i and 20 D'». Eod the urand with one F. Finnh wsth a crimp bead and a damibcil tip.

9 Foe tlić Mtcond Uranii, rcpcat Hep 4.

10 Rethrrad the needle with both itrami* and itring on bead.% in the iequciKe ihnwn in Figurę 5-4 (E-D-E D E D E-r-C F A F-C F-E-D-F D E-D-E-F-O.

11 P#« rhe needle through thc green roUcr bead and thc drawer-pull of the firn urand and the First grecn oval bead on other end of drawvr-pull. ac ihown 111 Figurę 5-5.

12    For the retnainder of thc urand. repcat ucpi 6 through 8.

13    Altach each damsłtell tip to a

tump ring.

14    Altach clamiiurlh from ihort

Urand to jump ring*.


Attach jump ringi to the da»p


•> 27mm>24rm

tjreinęlłsscrairtipul •> 10 0'W 11mmx9mo wtl tefci (A)

•> &wfM0*trt«Bd(B|

•> 22 otręt airota tmel! Hnj-ęał>s*eJ 6r*m itt««Jt*a4s<C)

•> 125M:«iHfinvnije#h(D|

•> M9 ęrwt nr:ra termin yswdtetótn •> ICO trcn» trtsaiic 1v$wJwafc'F)

o Gołfl Mffiłe ctess •> 4octóaar«twit«3 f8 •> 2ęctó4mn |u-p rinęt *> 4 mfi a mp ttaZ

■3 HM«y twlirę thraad

o Sta lObeadng narta

Rcnd Kev_,


□ B





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