
dbms_output.put_line (w_name ||'' || w_sumame || 'sold a ' || w_row.name || 'for 1 || w_row.price)

end;    ---



dbms_output.put_line (w_name || ’' || w_sumame || 'gave away a' || w_row.name );

end; end if;

fetch w_cursor into w_row;

end loop; dose w_cursor;



—this procedurę shows all parts in stock for parbcular car model

create or replace procedurę part_in_stock(p_model varchar2) is cursor p_cursor is select part_name, price, in_stock from parts

where id_type=(select id_type from types where model=p_model); partsjist p_cursor%rowtype;


open p_cursor;

fetch p_cursor into partsjist;

dbms_output.putJine('Available parts for '||p_model); while p_cursor%found


dbms_output.putJine(partsJisLpart_name|r '||partsJist.priceH' '||partsJist.in_stock); fetch p_cursor into partsjist;

end loop; dose p_cursor;



Strona 4


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