Depending on thc sue and shape io be secured, adhe-sśve can be applied in iwo ways. With a larger piece, such as a fully opened flower head or leaf, a spcck uf adhcsive can be removed directly from Ehe Container with the point of a needle and lightly sprcad on to the surface of the background. The piece can then he placed on top and lightly pressed down with thc fingcrtip. If thc piccc is vcry tiny, lift it up on a needle point and place a minutę speck underneath itbefnrepositioningit in the arrangement. After a cerlain amount of practice, you will leam where to place adhesive specks so thcy cannot be seen, or, altemalhely, ho w io disguise '.hem. A group of slender particles, such as a steinmed Scarlet Pimpemel, a slrand of moss and a seed pod can be serii red at their bases with onespeck of adhcsivc which can then bo covered by a tiny flower like a single Forget-me-not head. VVhenever pnssible, avoid sprcading adhcsive under stems or flower heads if they can be secured at the base because thcy will lic :n a morę natura! position whcn fixed in filii nunner.
During ihe early slages, the beginner may freąuently be faced with thc problem of applying adhesive loo scanlily, so that Ihearrangement easilybecnmesdislod-ged, or of applying too much so that ii seeps oui on. Ihe base when the materiał is pressed into place. Ccrtain types of adhesive also become thick and lumpy when exposed to the atmosphere for a timc: these should be discardcd becausc thc adhe$ive cannot be spread Smoothly and the bumps will become apparent under flimsy materiał. A few lrial run$ with some interior
Wam rusts contrast agsinst ccol creants on a durk brown background to createa <ug°e$tion o( eutumn. The tips of hleecfud grass form the mam lines of the suwyittg $pra\t and, to continue (he circular sJuijk, Heucb.era flowers Jurne f»:n spaced around the base below the !lvris flower.
Subducti tortes can often iv enhanced with'sparing touches of bnght colour.
spedmens on scrap papcr will help you to become fami-liar with the lixing technique. It will aJso save a great deal of irritation when it comes to assembling your first minia tures.
If there happens to be a spare roont available (or your assembling sessions, book it and hang a bnld "Keep Out" sign outside the dour because there are few OCCUpations morę precarious than handling feather light pieces of dricd materiał. Once you start work. it will be necessary to uncover several sheets of sto red materiał in order to select suitable shapes and colours and the slightest rush of air - frum a sudden movement to a smali sncezc - will be sufficient to scatler your specimens a)J over the place. A swiftly opened donr will havc the (orce of u hurricane and a gust of breeze through a window will assume gale scrength. If an inva-sion of the workroom is unavoidabIe, insist that all who enterapproach with thespeed ora weary snail. Kvenin isolation, however, your materiał might not be safe. An unexpected cough has scattered an arrangement wluch nas taken me hours to prepare and carcfully positioncd particie? have been brushed out ot place when I have forgotten to pin back my hair.
VVhenever possible, work on a large table in front of a closod window by natural daylight o- use an adjustable angle lamp lor extra light. In deep concentration it is easy to continue working without notidng the changc of light and it is a mistake to work in the shaduwsC3st by your hands or shoulders. Work which lookscompetent in such conditions often looks shoddy when reviewed in daylight.
Because the time factor cannot be completely ignored when working with e.\posed dried materiał. I like :o prepare with a fuli pack ot needles and a pin cushion, two sourccs of adhesive, a saucer and a couplo of pairs of smali scissors so that time isnot wasted by searching. Neat workers will probably manage to wipc needles elear of adhesive with a sheet of tissue, but for the less methodical I recommend a piece of old sheeting to be