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Slajd14 5

Aplikacje GIS

GIS is being applied in remarkable ways. To understand GIS and see why lt matters, it is useful to survey the diverse rangę of GIS applications. These are a few descriptions of applications taken from papers submitted at the ESEJ user conference.


Satellite images of Brazil showing land use are with iriodels of El Nino

weather oscillation to predict agricultural effects.

GPS (Global Positioning System) receivers are being applied in real time with portable GIS software to accurately apply Chemicals for agricultural production.

In the San Joaąuin V alley of California, GIS is used to model nonpoint sources of pollution. The maps produced provide a visual display of soil salinity.

Ecology and conservation

Colombia is building a GIS database to prioritize which lands should be set aside for the national park


In Kenya, a GIS revealed that large mammals in the savanna dispersed during the wet season and concentrated in a basin during the dry season. Understandingseasonal migration patterns is important in managing water access forwildlife and livestock. GIS is being applied on California1 s Santa Catalina Island to evaluate the ecological costs andbenefits of dirtroads. Roads pose an erwironmental dilemma because they provide access for ecological managementbut ais o interruptthe ecological lands cape.

Business geographics

One company used GIS to evaluate ho w the peCnding relocation of its corporate office would affect employees' commute to work.

A smali company in Quebec facing competitive pressures used GIS to minę its customer databases to identify clusters of customers, enhance productivity of mail promotions, and improve client retention.

A foundation in San Francisco uses GIS to assist smali business es in finding commercial space with desirable business, economic, demo grap hic, and transportation attributes.

JTU/ Electric and gas (AM/FM)

Beirut is analyzing its power circuits to minimize losses and to improve voltage levels. GIS is modeling scenarios of device placementfor optimal electricalbenefit. Public Service of NewMexico is using GIS to manage the construction, operation, and maintenance of2,500 miles of power trans mission. A prime concern is preventing environmentally damaging activities. The Danish Energy *Agency is building a database on the energy usage of ever building in that country. This information will be used for planning energy plants and designing distribution systems.

^ r Defense and intelligence

The U.S. Air Force uses GIS technology to manage, maintain, and visualize millions of climatological records.

The Swedish armed forces have done extensive work on sophisticated symbolizing of military and civilian facilities to improve military planning. The Canadian Army has customized GIS software to integrate it with a land force command system.

Emergencj' management and public safety

In 1997, the C as sini spacecraft was launchedto explore Saturn. GIS was used to evaluate the risk of an accident with the plutonium generators on board.

The Italian National Se istnie Surveyis building an integrated information system to pro duce real-time tabular reports and operational maps in the event of a major earthąuake.


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