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920 08

TH15 AGJtl££M£NT macie by and bclwecn KAJtOLO s, mii i .up and HA 1%OLE W* STLiFPER aa tCsccutorE uf tbc L.acl "Witt udlL 'fub-tamcol of Oryille Wright, dcccated, hcreinMler tallud thc Vcfldor», Portic&.of tta First Fart, ind THC UNITEO STATES OF AMERICA, heraiŁMtcr caUpd tta Yeodta, Party of tta Secaad Part, W I X W E S S E T H;

WHEIHLAS ttare i» lncluded ta tta rcsidufcry es tatę ol Ot vill» Wright tta Wright Aeroplan* ol 1903, luvcnted andbuiitby W llbur and Ocvlllt WrijjM Ap«t llownby thcm at Kitty Hawk* I^orth Carolioa oa Dcccmbcr 17* 1903, and

WHEOEAS it U In the publlc intcrest (tal ca id piane be pre-* aurytril for a II l(m« a ud mada aynllublo ag a public uabobiL jo aa appropriate pin co and under proper a u spiec*. nad

WHEH14A5 (ta Pt oba te Caurt of Montgomery Counly, Ohio, huuing jnrlfidLęlloa oircr tbc adeninie(ratłon ot aaid esteto* after lali ta a ring la a procaedlng to w hic U all poreona and iailitutioa* ba y lag any latetest nader tta will of Gry Ule Wright were par tle s and had submitted tlićmtclMi to tbc jurltaiction ol the Court, tao olfleLally loand (bot tta kaowa wista a ot Orrilie Wright will be ęarried out nad tta łdgbc&taad beat Inter est of tta o etat* will ba servedby retognielng tta public la* tercet and tas accordlogly autboriced and dUccied tta Vendora to eater Łato thls Agr Cement*


I* Far tbc coasldcratioa tarcLa&ller aut forta tta Yeadort ngreo to seU and do tareby (cli to tta Ujiitod States oE America* and ogree to dclivcf to tta United States National Mucoum, V/asbingtoa* D.C«, wilbin the curreot Itscal year cadiag Juae 30, 1949* and subjoct to tta taatl of Uda Agr cement* tta orjgLaat Wright Aeroplan* of 1903*

2* la coacideralioa ttareof tta Ycnde* agreen to p*y to tbc -Yendors tta Sum ct Oce ($1,00) DoHur la caftband to comyly wfch tbe lolluwlng rcquir eroents:


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