(ij Sald DtrapJiM Ja Id ]ir cti-ijduyed rts A piitilic inii:-'imi cihltlt Jnthtt Mclropciitiin AH'H oj tlić Uriłtrri ;>l.łted Mntlołthl Cn|iital snly, aihI f mCc|>I ais trr pro-
vUld in p*regr*ph fb} ir: ta be łionltd rifrvetly litłnj the Miin tLoUande in (lic fore j^irt i4 tŁe Nurlh JJnll of the Arts a od InduCiNuc Bulldinjj uf the Unilcd Status NottOnal Muscutfb. lt sbell nev*r. be rtm(ivcd frorn auełi publlc eahlbltlon «KC«pt BE mijf bi re^uired IcmpOreriLy (ar yntinlrnlKF ar prolrętłon,
(b) U tbt praper antborltlci ol Uc SmiltisaabA JnjUlutlcn
ot its ii»cesłort fading fot tlie United Stalci of Awarie*] ■ t iny tiroe ir* the futuro desire to rurnuyo citid nuroplone te *ny otiKr biiUdlnc in Ute Mctrepolilrn Aro ol the fiAtiOTAl capitM, mch rem«i*i chnll W pcrmftted on the followŁng conditiooti
I, TbM the substlłutcd bolid Ing shall hoire equal nr belfer NdlilJca lor ihe prot^ction* m^jnlu-nonce njtd csblbltlon o£ (be *ev optant»
2„ Thut (he tYright AcrOplane of 190 9 be £iucn a ploto ol speclM honor and not tatefffiiDgled wilh ethsr neroplenet oi Inter design,
J, Th.il r-ucV ImiHltig >jB nota nilUt-iry imirMiin tut be dovoted to tnOTnorJ*Li;Atflg Ihr dcyolopnoent of svjitian.
(ł) Tt*«re *b*U *t o U Utoco be pruininęirtly rtispleyed rrith Mid »er*pt-inc O l-itcl Jn Ifcr fa|łi>w|)i|> (arm *nd
The KriylikiiratŁitfTB' Aerejihua
The ^TorId‘fi First POwer-Drlv« Heevier-lhaii-Air Mechfae In Whlch Mon Modę Tree» Contr oLled. and Suitłletd Flig^t
lirrented md Bullt by Wilbur and OrviLle Wright Flownfcy Them et Xitty Hewk* North Carelin Deenmber 17,1991
By OriflMl Sdantifłt Research tbe Wright Brothers Discovered the PrŁneiples of Humań Flight
As lnveotsro^ Butiders andFlyrcro TbeyFurther Devclo?ed the AtrepUnt Taught Mm to FJy nnd Cpened tbe Ern Of Avbtb» iOepositcd by the Eitate of Orvillr Wright,
The flrst Ulftht liitrd Only tiwclre secends. a fligU viry madełt OompAred witb thal ot bird*. Łut U V4t rcvcrthc]cia Łba (iisi lq Uk UilAry Of tht world la whkrh a machinę carrying t min bud rtind łl$cli by lt» dwu power lute the elr In tree UlgŁt, bod sellcd forniard on o levcl coorse witbout rcdtictlon of tpced, sad l*nd lina My l*h(Itd