TEST 6 (Module $y
(Time: 50 minutes)
A Fili in the correct word/phrase.
• vandalism • burglary • car theft • robbery • speećing • shoplifting
e.g. He was given a ticke: for speećino because Te was drlving too fast.
1 Do you know that you car bp arrested for
.............................. if you spray paim
on other people's watls?
2 Dic you hear about the bonk................
that took place last night?
3 I had a friend who was accused of
.................................when she stole
a dress from a shop.
4 There was a........................iast v/eek
and the police st;ll haven’t found the person who broke mto the
5 You can protect your cors from .............
if you have an alarm in$tai;ed and you park in well-lit areas.
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B Comptete the sentences Choose from the following: sofę and sound. victim of crime, personel sofety, słay In touch, otlrecl thieves, busyorea, plan In ad^once, $ive you a lift borne, high-cech gabgers, keep voluob!es out of stghr, oncomm$ troffic.
<?.g. You won’t be able to hear oncomlng troffic if you wear lieadphones on the Street.
6 Always....................................if you
havc to be out at nlght.
7 MP3 players and mobile phones always don't use them in public.
8 that thieves
won't be temptefl.
9 You sheuld think about your ..................
before you go out.
10 Whenever you have to wait fer a bus, it's
better to wait in a ............................
11 The charces of ycu becoming a .............
:..................will be 'ewer if you follow
some simple rules.
12 ..........................usually tempt thieves
so tl would be wlse not to use them on the Street.
13 Mobile phones help you .......................
with your friends hut tbey are also great for notifying somebody when you're in danger.
14 Tell your friends to .........................or
cali fot a tax when you go vislting lale at night.
15 After rrrssing łor 5 hours, the child returned
home ............................................
Ukt '0 )
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