Earrlngt 95
Earrlngt 95
) tein rtng (IOM. KfisaiwdiiilhMn n «t#i 0 m * fcsl SC (20 ad. sc •» sama sl as |0fr\ 2 Kin te sc. 2 ac n nrd sc: ispas: .v-9* U tt « Vst C* 00 SO
LAROI CIRCLE (mak* 4> 2 A. 2 ■) Mo(kMf7r«>C'dtncugn«nd}.Ma)
not tastan c“
Rouna 4: O 1. * sc r> sama si as |o« and « nec sc2 sc ** na«r sc. ’1 sc In aacn cl nad 2 sc.
sc n same si M |oin and tf<
Włth a tapasiry nasoa. saw oa*s oi A and B CHdsa togothor us-’«j tfeead C arard tha adga. retemng to phoco as a gutde. Use larga sMChas inat axtand across łhe om* rounds ot tha cbcias. Saw seu oi wee oouOia-sidad c*daa toga-Jw. wdł iwo amal onaa ai tno lop and a larga ona atfta Donom Ws*entfendt-Aaacri an aar Mre 10 mo lop of aacn aamng.
Thoso playful earrlngs are madę in two mam colors. bul you could make each circie in a (Merem color for «ven bigger •mpect. Adapl tham by fimshing tha ctrcfas a row earty for a smaffar pair of earrings. or by adding boads to tho circle contors for a party took.
Toots and mjtwuH
• Hjcfc SW. SM 8 (1 5n*TO
• n*eaa (4ia» «ca of pni
Wand Buks—
oocM mm sntf amoirt d tMCocMItłld
• Ffdręs 2 «r atn
• ttccns taptssynseds
JVł* fftai* long tcbdrg «r Ma i 1 // Qan) M mW) tort
AM>r*vlattons eh—<łBtri dc—doutuscroehei •o—«ngie croche<
W $1—Slp SMCłl
Sm Mso