facndation chain: Ch 4.
1: ^Kinsacondch tom hook and inaach \jt\ !3 sc).
2: Cn i. lać* wen acaoosi lun,
Iow 3: Cn 1.1 ac in aacn sc acroaa. cn 4, hm •o* 4: \ scinsacondch tom hook and inaach fcroscacrow ramo* tha hook. Nart tha *x»N sama ac as ono m$J werkod. ch 3. Kar os. Nart me hook baefc no tna loop tom ksc tnan worki ac In aachch. tum |9icK nowa H: Ch 1. t ac m aaen ac acioaa. tum.
[ Ner c* tt and of ro* &
Row 7: S*c 3 ac. tna yam to thanwi ac. cn 1.1 ac r sama st aa jon and In aacn of nad 2ac.tum(3ac|.
Row 8: Ch t • sen aacn acacroaa FaaanoE.
Płaca two piaeaa WS togatnar and Nart tha nook No tna ade of tna iaat row. Wdking thiough both p«caa. cn 1. than 1 ac in aacn row and ac around. wedang ac2tog at tha Nida comara and 2 ac No aacn row or ac at ma outsde comar*. Wian you
Tools and maferials *Hoofc'Mtta40nfflj
• Nm (27nf fint ned Uirex
• Beads 8-10 red3mrr 9mv crystttaads
• Ncfions tapattyraa*
FMshadiiia Y*(?.5cm:« iwdesipPNs
so-arpa ciano sc2tg-4ngltCQcr«2ręerr pmóKrmti MS wongsdt
nMioNdabouttwoMioftnaoutada adgaa. aUt aoma yam no f» cmas. vwn inan pnng ta two pacu Jon the iwnaning Ino paoas in ta tama way Uaa ta ooefat hook to puan aa andinada io nda Nm Saw 4 or 5 oaadi orno 9w carar ftom of aacn ooat. aoacn aMipmgfcNioporaachooasandcNtl Sap anotar jpop mg orao W Ir* one. tan alp anearwmaraofwsicondMnpmganddoat •» jffp ring. Recsat tor tht ncond aaanp
F«g*p ad hdnp cap IM?
SwaatMSMMjl papa S07
£ JfSI
Easy anough for a begmner (as a second or thwd projact parhapa). masa Wtle earrings can ba mada very qułddy using !eftover yam and beads. This par ■s mado in a gMlary yam with sparkfeng crystal baada-partact for a party.