(2 W boerł)
N.B.: (!) Al| a utarci crc tnmpulsorr.
(2) Make ej!iti£j«jumjł!i?s» »hcrcver necessary or>J Hale Ht >»uwntk-nł toade.
(3) Acjy.cn to thc »»jaŁaiflaa »» * gri.it«ajgłtk«r.
(4) Numbcn to thc rfcht Itdicate m.iky
(5) Drew nwtlabcied diaerams wb:revcr »«teu»rv.
(6) Use of Nonprogramiiublc cticullIOn is nilowej.
Atttrapt oni Iwo ot the foncwlug:
Wh»t do yeu mon by boct .'oaicr? FapUin GRUa.
List duties of sysaem aćm iftittretor. Kapłan asy twe WhaS is RAID? Explut.
Wrice ths Kepi rcąoired to tcct system.
Attcopt 30XJ£& «f thc fotlcmirj:
Write a sfeoct noto en cron fika.
WJiat ii NFS? Enpliin w ite examplc.
LIK roricuJ nctmtrit ccnfijuratico 'lei. Write th: purpose of eoch. Exp,'om thc con:ep« ofsubaełting wrt sulublc cxamplc.
Atteuipt om tuo of tbe fottowtag; .
Eapla.n thc hsr.c seotion of samba configuretkn file. Write the stopi to ccc figurę timt unsr.
Whal is cadting proxy wrvei? WJty lj it used? EipCoin lew to configurc samba »erver.
Attcmp! «nv Iwo ot the fdlon ia j: ot
Write the pwpcse of fultowLsg less sec.re L telnet ii ftp iii. rbsj&r lv. lir.gcr
wint :s SSH? Esp&t" wkh sokable ensgdaj Wtat is the o red of Ooanain Name Sjitc.tsJT.iK lite conliguraticn file* osed by DNS.
Write the putpose of eaefc. yy
Wint tt zonę file? Gxpła'm wili ariety! ounipie.
Attemnt cm rwo of tbe followS^T 10
Write sevenl kcy campoaegtQhtt ire esseUul fee email to wcck prcperty.
Wint i* the difference beteli 1MAP ead POP3?
Lltt ftp Ccafiguration ft£i. Wrile purpose oJ e»eh. Give sristble cjumpie.
Eapliin how to diiabl^jpocjmous FTP.
Attcmpt anr fwwoPlhe fiifowiog: 10
Eapinin Se usf^*d cctnmind with cxample.
Exp'.iin hou£»£b seruer uerk?
Write tli^fytjcec cf foUawing configuraliou direc'Jvej of aptece i. KceuAłivc ii. Listę.: iii. MuCiients
iv. KotutajucasPeTChiM V. StlrtSdrvcrs Hgjithe p.tpnt of rpmqucry is fontatłed? f:xplain with exunple.
v. np