(2 ‘/i Hours) (Total Marks: 75
t.: (1) Ali questions are compulsory
(2) Figures to the right indicatc fuli rr.arks.
.nswcr any two of the following: -
(a) Discuss the importancc of Export Marketing from the view point of a business firm
(b) Explain how Domestic Marketing differs from Export Marketing. ^
(c) Discuss the composition of India's Services exports sińce 2010 OT"
rnswer any two of the following^
(a) Discuss the impact of trade barriers on Export Marketing.
(b) Expla;n the various methods ofentry in Global Markets.
(c) What are the components of logistics in Export Marketing^) tnswer any two of the following
(a) Explain in brief implications of Foreign Trade Pa^p^ 2015-20
(b) Discuss the privilcges of Export and Trading hqtHTe status holders.
(c) Dcscribe the role ofDGFT.
®?Jns in export marketing.
mswer any two of the following :-
(a) Exp!ain various product planning dc
(b) Discuss the factors determining cxtfdrt pricc.
(c) Calculatc minimum FOB price frpm*hc followingdctails. Also Calculatc
foreign exchangc that can bc ejjBtcc taking exchange ratę 1US $ = 7.65/-Particulars •§> Amt(<r)
Cost of materials. 8,00,000
Costcf labour 2,50,000
LoadingChargcs 50,000
Packing Charges ^ 2,00,000
Contributior. o£ę?ofit @ 10% of FOB cost Dutydrawbąd£> @10% of FOB Price.
.nswcr the foltówing
(a) State<jwethcr the following staterr.ents are Truć or Falsc ' (QYExport Marketing cnablcs the nation to eam foreign cxchangc <^ij^ India is one of the members ofSAARC.
^V^iii) GATS is basically related to Agrccmcnt on Agriculture.
(iv) Mica waste is one of the canalized items in Negative List of exports.
(v) Packaging plays an important role in Export Marketing.