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~TTy. S-SriT , u*- *-•!'

(    TeSb?)

Q.P. Codo : 25808

(W boort)

Total Marta 75

N. B.: <13 A'l gutaiaał aie comrultorr.

(2)    Mikę »iii«»bl< attuawrinm wtercvtr Mceouy »nd j

(3)    Answcn to. foe tanie oietlinn muf. te writttn tcwtttr.

(4)    Numbcrs to the right Indkete marki.

(5)    Draw nc.i lite'ed dinerami whcrevtrncccu»ry.


(d) Use of Nmi-iirogni mrontle calttbl on is altów od.

L Attempt ant two of (tic folkmieg:

i.    Diseuss th: correlation telweers “tlis tost of fading tu! fixing defcctt” ind "software

dcvclcpmcnt liie cycle plines".


Wtot is Software Tetting? D-soust objec*ive» of tetting.

Explain fundiinentil te* procesj.

If we donl firn) dcfceti dcct that Meart the (UCM will o:cept the software? Dittuit^)'

Attempt ant t-.y of the foltowiag:    OT 10

DitcuK the chiractcróties of gcod tetting.’    <y-

Explaia the two Vs of Software Teiting (yeriftcatian and yalidaróa).    X)

ExplLQ teiefiy the fcur tea levels ustd In V-MwM of software tesdSg with tteu objrctifet

ttetcribe the purpt<ye of ccnfmsaliun Itstisg ud regrcsskn testirijT^1

•    oJT

Attempt ani    of the fallswing:    ^    10

Wint it Stalle Ten i ng? W.-jt ll 63 maia objectifc? Saf.aa^Łc advarrjgei of using *iiie tesfing on software werk Products.    X)

Meation six mir. totps o: a typicai fornal revtew pro£ti. Diwuss the prcceodirtgs of n“Review Mcctlng".

Define the following termt - Cyclcmaiic o.-mpi«uy. f>.iiii Flow. Contro] Plow. Entiy Cńtrria and litil Criloria.    tp”

Disstas sseeess f-ictors fer Kitem.


Ałumpt a/ir rwo of the followien    10

De Sec Test Condltwo*. Dttcnte ibfjiroccss of ileniifytog test ccndiOccs.

Wint it the meaning of ''Iriceegihty- ńt software testing? Whv is (TMcabilily - - •••:' ^

Eaplain triefty. dllferent typ^T software te&ng tochnigucs. if you fcoJd an 'over 6Cs’ rmrtarĄ you get a 3«’/i disco ret on whnteser tjekrt you huy.

If you ire (ruvcling willujj&iid (order !5\ you tui get a 10% discourg on any tjcket if yor hołd a fwnily raiWard. otherwlae you ge; a 1014 discourA You can cniy hołd cne typc of raił o-irle^-'

fVodi»;e a decUtarejtable shtming all Cle combimróores of farc typ« ard resuhing ditcount; and <Im>Vc te* cisct ftom the dcciticn tahic.



Attempt cn>/wo of the fuliowlag:    10

Define RUn". Why do we wrice twr pian?

Writeajlort noie on "Test Monitoring".

HowdBnfigUtation mantgement snppoits tetting''

teyhin Inoldert Report Life Cycle.



CW-Con. 5856-15.


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