Thi* SF Sudoku puzzle, the aubjcct of which wa* SOggested by socond-place contest-winner John N. Mant, is solved using the let-ter* ADBHIMNSU. Place a lettor into each box *o that each row across, each column down, and each smali nine-box square within the larger diagram łthere are nine of tbese) will contain each ol lh«e leller*. No letter will appear morę than once in any row.col-uinn. or sinaller nme-box sąunre. The solution i* determined through logie and the proces* of elinunation. Benoath the puzzle is a set of t won ty blank*. Hearr.ingo the fol łowi ng lotters for a fa-mons SF title: A. D. E. E. H, I. M. N, S. S. and l'. The answers for the Sudoku puzzle and the anagram can be found beneath our dajstftod ad* on paee 143. The sol u non to each puzzle ts indepen-dent of the other. \VeVe mverted the answer to the anagram so that you <lon‘t mmc u|x>n it by acrident.
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