3®uble ringi Io l.ftU- likc key and »x>vc rwo wind* ol wir*, “'-•er eie moce robnjf r lhon -iimgBr ond can supporf o Ivoovmt *>?d. Thcy qxc utcd with round or ćlóipi
• ^9$ »Ho*t eon bc pp**Kd vs*ns -ftat-*OiwJ pliert Thoy orr uwd rmiinly •o' yoinioę piece* together and for ‘-sngiog pendant*
Flat-noscd pliers orc uscd by* c*cttrkions. Opt for the thinnest plien you f»*d. Ybu eon uw? flat-noicd pllęrf tę squc?zc crimp bcods and sccure mait wuj piecei.
rrvamly for wo*k»ng dnę*, with cy* pins er heed ptm for ccomplc. Prot* nwed o^d r©un-d-no**d pJicrs ohen hove o cutting cd^c that n ton worfcimg with eye płnsr Neod pm* ond thick mctol wir**
Glue hc-lp-i to Mccurc yoor pic<ct and u cspeciaHy uscful włutn warkiog with bcod ł»p*. Emurc thof yoti choowj -o itow-drying g|yc OS it will lott much longer *Hc« a fatt-
dryirtg 9*u<.