as marching with grcat spccd and mountcd on a horsc, and aceompanicd by an army ol* horscs.1 This goddcss appcars to bc a symbol of cavalry, which lorms a part ol* thc powcr of a State. Thus, cavalry is herc a manifestation of thc Goddcss Lalila.
7. Commander of the Army - A Manifestation of the Goddess Sakti:
The Goddcss Sridandanatha is anolhcr manilestalion of thc Goddcss Sakti. The word 4 Janda f mcans an army and Dandanatha represents a fcmalc commander of Lalita *s army, i. c., thc commander of thc army is dcscribcd herc as a manifestation of thc Goddcss Sakti.
8. Navy - A Manifestation of the Goddess Sakti : 4 Poi ram * mcans a ship. Herc a ship symboliscs navy and thc goddcss PolrinT appcars to bc a pcrsonification of navy.5 Navy lorms an important constitucnl of thc powcr of a śvijigfsu hcncc in thc form of thc goddcss PolrinT has bccn dcscribcd a manifestation of thc Goddcss Lalild. The gods wcrc afraid that thc goddcss PolrinT might bum thc univcrsc with her anger or she might dividc thc carth into two by thc strokes of a pestlc,6 or she might perturb thc occans with thc strokes of a plough.7
9. Different Dctails of War - Personified: The Goddcss Lalila is praiscd by many names. They are (I) Sańketa, (2) SamaycśvarT, (3) Samayasańkcla, (4) VarahT, (5) VarlafT, (6) Mahasena, (7) Ajfta, (8) Cakrcśvari, (9) ArighnT, etc.* The mcanings of thcsc names indicalc that these names refer to many goddesses who are personillcations of different details pertaining to war, c.g. 4Sańketa * mcans a convention, and thc goddess ‘Sańketa* can bc a pcrsonification of thc convcntion to bc followd in a war. 4Samaya * mcans an agreement and thc goddess 4 SamaycśvarT*6 is thc goddcss who has powcr to enter into an agreement with the enemy. The goddcss ‘Samayasańketi’ appcars to be a personillcalion of a cotwcnlion to bc obscrvcd uhilc entering into an agreement. Varahl mcans 4buddhif or inlcllcct or talent, skill in diplomacy or a stralcgy, cle. and the goddess 4VarahT* can bc said to bc a personified form of skill, or talent, wisdom, etc. in diplomacy. Goddcss ‘VarlalT* is a news-bcarcr or a messenger. Goddess ‘Mahasena* symbolises a hugc army. Goddcss 4 Ajń2* is obviously a pcrsonification of thc cominands or orders issucd in a war. Goddcss 4CakreAvan* can bc said to bc a pcrsonification of a military array. ‘ArighnT* is a destroyer of thc enemy. It will be scen herc that thc epilhets of thcsc goddesses refer to various activitics in a war. Ali of them can bc said to havc powcr to bring about
the viclory of a 4 \ijigisu *, and hcncc probably they havc bccn lookcd upon
as lorms of the Goddess Sakti.
10. Act of Consullalions - A Form of thc Goddess: The goddcss ‘Mantranatha* or ‘Mantranayika* is obviously a goddcss who can bc said to be a pcrsonification of the act of consullalions, diseussion about war.° The