attract all; Sanava$ańkari can subdue all; Sarvonmadanamudrś can cause intoxication to all; Sarvamahańkuśś can goad all. By performing Sarvakhecarf mudrd one is not affecled by thirst, hunger, laziness,16 etc. BijśmudrS enables one to attain all success. By performing Sanayoni mudra, one is never polluted by sins. Trikhandika mudra is employed in invoking the Goddess.
15. The LaJitopakhyśna stal es that the Siddhi goddess es, the eight Sakti goddcsses, viz. Br&hmT, Maheśvań, Kaumari, Vaisnavl, Varahl, MahendrT, Camunda, MahalaksmI, and the Mudra goddcsses are manifest powers (prakataśaktayah) .,8
16. Digits of the Moon - Manifestations of Sakti:
Sixteen digits of the moon have also been dcscribcd as Sakti goddesses.19 Thcy are: (1) KamakarsanikS kala, (2) Buddhyakarsanik8 kala, (3) Ahartkarakarsanika kala, (4) Sabdakarsanika kala, (5) Spariakarsanika kala, (6) Rupakarsanika kala, (7) Rasakarsanika kala, (8) Gandhakarsanika kala, (9) Cittakarsanika kala, (10) Dhairyakarsanika kala, (11) Smrtyakarsanika kala, (12) Namakarsanika kala, (13) BTjakarsanika kala, (14) Almakarsanika kala, (15) Amrtakarsanika kala, (16) Sarirakarsinika kala. 20
Thcse sixtccn goddesses in the form of sixtccn digits of the moon have been describcd as secret powers.21 The moon is bclicved to influence the
human body wilh her rays. The inner facullics of a man, viz, his buddhi
i. e., power of reasoning, ‘Sabda 'i. e., his sound perceplion, etc. are influenced by the digits of the moon. But the digits influence the facultics, i. e., the inner world or the inner mechanism of perceplion imperccplibly or secrelly;22 that is why probably thcy have been dcscribcd as ‘guptakhyS' (i. e., thcy arecalled secret powers). ‘Prakata ’viz., 'SiddhiDcvTs ‘DrShml’, ‘Maheśvari' and othcr powers of the małe gods, and the ‘Mudrś DcvTs' are concemed wilh the exlcmal manifest world, and, ihcrcfore probably, they have been dcscribcd as ‘Prakata Sak lis 2 J
17. Orders of the Goddess Lalita - Sakti goddess : Twelve different orders of the Goddess Lalita have been personified and described as AJM Saktis. 24 Thcy are - (1) Sarvavidravinl - this goddess appears to be a pcrsonification of the order of Lalita to make all (i.e., enemy) run away;
(2) Sarvakarsanika - a pcrsonification of the order to attract or drag all;
(3) SarvasartksobhinI - a pcrsonification of the order to cause excilcmcnl in all; (4) Sarvalhadinika - a personificalion of the order to give dclight to all; (5) SarvasaifimohinI - goddess who is a pcrsonification of the order to delude all; (6) Sarvastambhanaśaktika - pcrsonal fonu of an order to paralyse or stop all the activity (of the enemy); (7) Sarvajrmbhanaśakli - goddess who is a personification of the order to make all yawn i. e., to make all lazy, drowsy, etc; {8) Sarvonm3danaśaktika - pcrsonal fonn of an order to cause inloxication to all;25 (9) Sarv3rthasadhika£akli - pcrsonal form of an