


Delicate Droplets

Materiais reyuireU

«• roughly SOam (20in) thick nylon Ęhręad

4 trmp bead$

•    nmelty beatłs. smali and Urgt ghito btadss in aswrtcd cotours

•    flai-nosed plters


•    2 bcad tipi

•    / clasp

•    rougkly 2m (6ft 7in) finc nylon thr&uł

Moin nccklocc

Thrc^jd o cntnp beod. fwo beods and onothcf crimp boo*d on to The thick nylon threcdi and eruth thc crimps with »h* flat-riMCd plicr*. Spoco thc potfi ot bead* rougbfy 2cm (V«n) o pa ń.

Whcn you ort hopp> with thc length of 1hc nccklocc, cruih o crim p bcad ot coch cod omd cnclosc coch b*od in a beod lip with o dob of gluo. Attoch thc txod tips to thc closp.

O Pendant*

Cut the fi no nylon thrcod irrto l0-25<m (4-lOin) Icngthi Hahrc ai length of thrcod and dropie hetwcen the bcod* in ono oi thc nccklocc 'pairs'. Thrcad both *ndi of thi* thrcad Throogh o crmpi bco-d Puih th# crintp up to thc moin ncckloce and erush Do Th*

sortu: lor oll of th* pćridantl, startin»g at thc- front oł thc nccklocc.

O Thrcod o bcod on eoch hanging Thrcod and sccurc by Crushing a crimp bcod ot thc -cne of thc thrcod.


1 . SlClMl UCH PU* 0$ WAM BITO IM cmy* biad-s.

3 Sccurc twi rtNOAł-m with a c«»m* mao

•mtltel UmkduO inrilłtrr

2. tno Of *ajn rtfCKuct.

A Thc » mumio bcnoamts.



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