I. I SC another ront. VfJh.• word on łlu> ri-ln u. complotc «lu sentonc.
1 : Robots havc a ^ C1 (^ • - ■ smtcwrc and a ł- V5
teed Information to the processot robot, must bc able to place items ii]
SJ \N1
1> ihc rĘht plac. 1ND! ^ IR'-
m identiJy obstacles and ct 6 ^ t PPl^'1 f I C |t i i tlie use oi ‘intelhgem machines to do work that was previcu > dom
7.She has overall .........
S.ril give vou a quick ... .................................. of how that robot Works. EXPLAlN
9.That sales representatwe is ralking about how a ........................................ vacuum cieaaer worR POEft
sak- and marketing RESPOKSIBLE.
jj ]>ut jn lhe niissing words. ChOOSc from the foliowing (use each of them oni) once):
processor, pincers*exening, dimension, parallel, carrying out, infrared, Caterpillar tracks, source, obsr.iclc ] .This robot moves auickly over rough ground because it is t ned with
2 jjje _ .. .............. sensors determine the size of the room.
5 The program mav insmict the robot to tum 90 aegrees when it collides with a(n) .
4 The robót U capable of ............................. a senes of acnons.
5 <j^e _ .................................Controls the operation ot the robot
6.Ali motors reouire a(n) ....... ............................ 01 Pov,er 111. Alatch the words with their definiiions.
1. Caterpillar tracks .......
2. detector
S.probe .........
d.impact ........
a) a machinę which is useh for tlnćins ornoticins somethir.g
b) put force or pressure on sometbing
c) metal belts fastenec arounc the wheels ot a vehicle or robot so tha* t can tra . el o\ er rou :h or soft irrounć
d) the act of one object hinmg anoiher: the force win which this happens
e) a Jong thm instrument that is usta for esaiEining somethmg that.. cttftcu!: to reach
r\ Complete the second sentence so that ii Mas a similai 1Don ■ stop the robot mo\ ng ;r. tna: direction! l et
mcanins to the first semena.
in that du