CameraZOOM 20130510083755099

CameraZOOM 20130510083755099

z.^oim wasio m ą________in uic icmyvai anu uisposai 01 IIUlU>t!l!(3IIJ ŁłflJ IHliUin. TTOTOT

3-There arc no landfill sites because waste is j_

4.H_______is the place where a particular animal or plam is found

5.11 is importem ro treat f _ gas t'gas emissions from factorie-.

III. Matei) the words >vSth their definitions.

1. sludge ..........

2. renewable

S.deposit .........

4,landfill site ........ ..........

a)    a substance that has been left on a surface or in the ground rock as the result of a natural process

b)    a thick soft substance that retnains when liquid has been removed in an mdustrial process

c)    a storę or amount of something that is provided or available to be used

d)    an area of land where large amounts of waste materiał are buried

e)    that replaces itself natural I}’, or is easily replaced because there is a lot of it

the First sentence. Lse the "ords in bold.

........................... . ... before

to the water


........ ..week.

..... then

in the pipes.

..............the valve two o'clock pattence

the office wmdow

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to 1/T checked the pipes for cracks yesterday." he

The inspector explained that ...... ..........

2,"Thev will chanse the filters next week." followins

•    W    w

The supeiwisor said that the} ........................

3 "Do you add chlorine to the water?” if

The engineer asked me............................................

4."Where are you going toda}°" "as

She uanted to knou where....................

5 "Can you repair the sewage pipę this week?” whether

The foreman asked him .    ................ .........

6."Dont use this machinę now!" to He told me ............................

7    "Peter, check the water pressure in the pipes. please ” asked

The boss.............................................

8    "Yes. 1*11 w nte the report? agreed

The engineer.........................................

9    'Tli help you " offered

He.............................................................. ■

lOTMike. don't forget to close ofTthe valve ” reminded

The engineer ......................................-    .............

1 1. *Tm really sorr} that I shouted at >ou. for

He apologised...... .......

12 "Let's meet at two o'clock " suggested

The manager......................................

1 3,'Tm verv grateful to vou for being so patient thanked

* w    *

She ................................................

14TYes. thafs true We have broken the office w indów? admitted

I he boys.....


15."You are la7)

Mv manager


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