

TEACHER (SELF)DEVELOPMENT "We can teach and teach. Or we can teach and iearn." (Scrivener:195) "Learning teaching is a belief that creaiiyity, understanding, experience and character continue growing throughout cne's iife." (Scrivener: 195)

"Twenty years of teaching experience can beccme no morę than two years' experience

repeated ten times over " (Scrivener: 195)

I .The difference between deyeiopment and training and educaiion,

® Training: b 9 Education: C ® Deyeiopment: Ot

a) teachers are given new experiences to reflect and leam from (e.g. writing materials)

h) at the beginning of our careers we go on courses where we are taught what to do.

c) the process by which your mind develops through learning at school, college or university.

"You can train me, and you can educate me, but you can't deyelop me- i deve!op"

(in Harmer 2007: 410)

if. fmportance of teacher development. WHY:

1. mii invcd    flst year of teaching/‘burn-out'): it is not a feeling of failure but of

disiliusionment, boredom, loss of momentum: it may be cured by deliberate action on the part of the teacher.


(becoming the best teacher you can)

.pXQ(p*fo. a) aayantages of growing professionaiiy:


Yt-mj jiib hi i

b) hbw can we start?

know where you are. what your positiye and negative assets are(e.g. by getting §9fal iyiffc    )'■ the first important steps tcwards becoming a better teacher

involve an increased _q Uu._Ojkał jj r/p_ZW’’


cui. opmmtL.






sources of fe£dback M

mmm wnh(ńm    shou!d be done in writir>g- it


forces you td stick to tne topie and to be concise and reasonabiy ordered.


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