Anna, Bernhard, Caterma, Dśvk3 and Erika want to take lessons śn Engiish. Who do you ddnk will make the most progress, and why?
Anna is a 45-year-old iibrarian. She is good at researeh, and enjoys reading j anything from novełs to newspapers in her owń language, but isn*t used to writing much. She was good at Russian at schód, but she hasnt used it at all in the past decade. She wants to iearn Engiish to give herseif a new chaHenge and ateo because $he’s pianntng to visrt relatives in Scotland.
Bernhard is a 32-year-oki businessman who needs Engiish tor his work. He is a saies representatwe in a larg© company, and he is reguśred to use the tełephone, write business tetters, emails and faxes and attend conferences, all in Engiish. He hated łanguages at schooł and the need for Engiish in the commercial world makes him arotious. He is very organised with paperwork and is a competont Computer user.
Caterina is a 21-year-otd law student and she needs Engiish for her degree course as wetl as in her futurę eareer as a soitcitor. She has akeady been studying Engiish for nine years and is at intermecSate !evel. She spent three
months in London as a teenager and loved it. She has IT skiłfe and is used to reading and writing a lot in Engiish. Her record as a student is mediocre; her notebooks me a mess, and she often misses (ectures and deadltnes.
David is 65 and about to retire. He has been working as an interpreter and translator for most of his Hfe, specialisjng in German and Freneh. He wants to take up a new hobby for his retirement, but is not very adventu?ous and feełs safe with ianguages. Ałthoiigh j he has never formaiiy studied Engiish, he has picked up quite a fet from has ćhiidren (who afl speak it) by noikang sjmiianties to his speciaitet ianguages.
Erika is a teenager at secondary schooł and is being seat to private Engiish dasses by her parents. She wouid rather spend her free time iistening to pop songs or in shopping malts with her firiends. She !oves her mobile phone, but disłikes computers. She hates it when her teacher asks her to choose her own homework or discuss what they shouid study. She keeps neat notes, but rarely iooks at them untił flpś tsne for tests, in whśch she does guita weB.
Make a Ust of positfwe and negaAńe factors m language learsring, hased onthese case słucfies.