Scctm t Ganrpcx PotkrrŁ of łhmtaicc


Students wfl understand blood typrug and c-odomrwit ałeles w hen łhey have ło hdp tdenłtPy whtch baby belangs to whoch set oP parents n łh«s Baby Biunder achvity This acłivrty włl ałso serve as a cjreat review usryj Ptnnełł separes1

For łhis concepł l have neluded a bac.łuyoir\i nPormation sheet on codcmnar.ee btood types. a Baby Burder student pmtabe. a teaeher answer key and a mru ^uiz

Taachtr    Cey

Mysłery oP łhe Baby Btonder

• bdck^urnd nFcrmatai an ABO Hocd types £

babes w are acadenidy <yven tłe wrerwj t^nsltornds n the deWery rootn Fortumtety each baby s Hood type « cnowri to you cm me Fanett    to hep delermete

włtch bały bekrnys ło włtch seł ot pirmt*

Farenri łhe Lncoł» with btood łype® O md AB the Fronton® wrth Hood types AB and B the pjjrfrftę. vMth Hood type* O and 0 md tte f^g^lec »vrth btood łype* O and A

i nr/fe iOdflft)    i tmśki IflBflfl    ftpń(    fti/A)

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Compiex Pattems oP hherrfance Codomnance


btocd +ypc e determned by eodcmnart dtełes. cr dtetos where toołh show e<jj5*y There a*e łhree dFfererrt afctos Por hurai Hcod type




Łach kirwn has +wo Hcod łype <tfdes. toec/use wc nhertł one Hcod łype ałeb Prom <xr merther and one Prom otr Pałher

f and P are codomnarń oletos Hoth beng derrrarń ło -the dtóe 4 There are £<xr possiHe phettołypes cr ABO btocd types wheo aleies ccrrbne A B AB ad O The toHe betow shows the ^ołype ad phenołype Por eoch btood łype



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Etood łype







Comp*ex PaHems oP hherrfance Codomnance


ttorran btood łype is determned by oodemnairt dleies, cr ć*efcs where bołh shew ofb#y There are łhree clPPeraił dtełes Per huran Hcod łype





Eacłi Kiw has łwo btood łype dteies beoajse we nherrf cne Hcod łype £<ełe Prom ar mołńer and cne Prcm our Pdłher

P and P a"e codcfrnotł aleies bołh beryj detrrott ło łhe dlełe 4 There are Potr possHe phenotypes cr ABO btood types when aleies corrbne A B AB od O The łoHe betow shows łhe ^onałype ad phenołype Por eiach btood łype

| Gcrotype | TC f

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| Btood łype | A |



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(Jutr Carpa ('alłem of


I C odcenrant atełes

.2 heempete dcnwrkce _3 Muitpe ais to*

ł Se* chromosome*

5 Sex-lntoed tresłs

a troitc contrałed by ijenes torted m th *e* OrawnamM b Hood type • an esarrpe oF łhs c frrt Z2 nar* of homoc<}cus chromoGOmee

d vsłen neither ^eto of łhe parents m com^ietey domivmt of Fsprrw) show* moed phoiotype

e havng mrre łhm łwo cieies For a

f 23” par of cłrarrKJeome* n hmmi Ą nteriłmce pałtern oP a łr«ł thał c cantreted by two cr mere ęenet

Mystery oP łhe Baby Binder

Orecten* iitrw) the baei-jjrotnd nPcrrrwncn an ABO Hocd łynes .md yc<r fcnowtodg* ot hjrvjri ga\et*--t hep «cłve the mystery oF the baby binder n wtuch ney^m baHea were acckłentOy aven the wnmg wrcibarus n the »łswery room Fartuuneły t . each bobyt Wood łype c łrom «o yau ar uce FLmerł squcres to hop determne wheh bsby beimat to wfrch set of perents

1 »r/tr. tn/AP.I

s wrth bcod type* O an booJ tyoe* O ani O. a

Omtkm IflBflfl

J AB. ths Frtrwuns with btaod typee A& and d łhe    »«*h łype® O md A


BOy 1 AB

B*y 2 B

Bay-3 A


t tatong to łhe

• bekmg ta the

• l-wrrj to łhe

Secłcn 2 The Cienetic Codc

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Page I 4

Our Cenptoi ł'ałłrmc i


I Codcmnmł Jtow

2    toccrrpets dcmratce

3    Muitpe .sleto*

3 Se* cłrtatnooofnes

a traitc cardrcAed by ynee tocated an I se* cJrr camosomes b Hocd type a an t*,»rpe oF łhs c f r*t 22 par* of homato^aus cłrofrooameo

J ,A*en nenher ałele of łhe p^irent* a campetey itrnnrr of ftpmg show* moted płaenotype

e łvivn0 morę łłvm two <Xełesi For a i^snetłc trał

f 23” par of chrarrosame* n runrn Of rberiłmce pałtern ot a trał thot e contrciad by twD cr marę <jenes

___fal n i n



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C-an you łhric oP a bełłer way Por słudenłs ło leam prołen synłhe&6 than havru0 łhem łtonk. about chocolałe chip cockles whłe do*yj tt7'' Thłs acł»vrty uses a very r da łabie crtab^y oP bafcng coakjes ło hep łhem learn łhe słeps oP protein syrrthes»s

IVe ncłuded łhe coofcie Ca-door shułłer PolcŁable. cuł-oułs oP bołh łhe prołen synłhesis słeps ord łhe cookje ando^y słeps. an answer key and a rrr* cpz Knł H probabły wouidh ł hirł tP you broughł 50mc cooktes ło add a kłłłe morę mołtvałcn ©

hłłpy/www Niłłyf?rtłłySr.ienr.ftk?log^poł mm

© 2014 Erica L Colon


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