

What is airtonomy?

Autonomy is thej to takęjcfaarge of one’s own leaming. This mvoives skills and attitudes which are not necessarilygotomatic, and which, therefore, nceddeyeloping. A certaia degres of aatonomy is always worth encoaraging because it raises jnOtivation and speeds up#rogress. It invoIves students refłecdng on what makes an effidsnt learaer and gives them the skills to become one. using tfae vast rangę of resources availaMe to them as effectńeiy as possible.

Meeds anaiysis

1    Kow often do you os® Enaiish rr, your eurotyday Kfe?

all day o once/twice a day o once a week □ once a mbnth o rarsSy □ never □

2    Sn what mecSa do you use EragBah Reading: newspapers o faxes □ emafls o letters □ novełs □ other d Writing: memos a faxes a emaiis c tetters □ artides □ prose a other □ TaHóng: on the phone a socialty □ bi meetings o giving preserrtationj, other o

Attending: conferences a dinners j meetings a Jectures o f&ns a othe.

3    What funcbons do you freguent ne&d to perform in EngSsh?

sociaising d negoiiating o invrting greeting □ presenting n agreeing C enąuiring a request»ng o intemjptinę pnomating □ describing a expSairm compteining o other o

4    Wh»ch do you feel you need to impityre? (Pnoritfee) grammar o vocabuiary o speakjng/prominciahon o reading Sistening n writing o other o

5    Whk* acthriSes do you find usef grarmp exercises o driHs o reading texts a tests o games a songs o drarna o discusskms o dictaiions o composihons o fistening to cassettes o other n


Fuwi someone wbo —

•    iikes doing tests

•    iikes to be corrected when speaking a foreigrt Ianguage

•    prefers writing to speaking

•    can sing a song in a foreign Ianguage

•    Iikes to know whafs going to be inaiesson

•    keeps beauhfuily neat notes

•    prefers dictjonaries to computers

•    watches fitms in a foreign Ianguage

•    Stores and remembers vocabulary in pictures

•    regulariy revises whafs been covered

•    keeps a leamer diary

•    writes poetry in a foreign Ianguage i e iikes to choose their own

homework tasks

Dictionary quiz

Ifs amazing what you can Snd out

from a cfictionary ...

jyęeanmgs What is an aulopsy?

a)    a type of flower

b)    written permission

c)    the examinatton of a dead body

Spsrgfogs Are these correct

august, authonse, austeer

Ptojiurdatśors Which syllabte is siressed in authoritarian?

Register Which is morę formai, aunt or aunty7

Sritish/Armaricafi Engfch VVhatdo Americans cdi autumn?

Abbrewiatiwis What does AA stand for?

Gramntatr Which is uncountaWe,

mńhor, au p&r, austerity? What is the piurai of aura, auWIiary, automatic? What is the noun form of autonomous?

Student seff-evałuation form

1    ! give rnysełf the foBowing grades for progress on this course. (Score 1-10)

Speaking CD Ustening O Reading    O

Writing    C3

Grammar □ yocabuiary EU

2    My notes are: wełf-organised o compiete o ctear □ OK o messy o non-existent o

3    I review my notes: regulariy □ sometimes □ on ty before tests o never o

4    I do my homework:

always o often o sometimes n rarely o never □

5    i speak Engfish in ciass:

as much as posable a a lot o often a a Rttie o

6    I speak my own Ianguage in ctass:

oniy when necessary o often d a krt o tao much □

7    My fayourite dass actiyities are:


9 In my free time, I practise Engiisb using:

videos o TV □ radio o cfrtema a theatrs o novełs o other books d magazines o newspapers o computers □

10 The main difSculties I have with studying Engltsh are:

donft enjoy.


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