Autonomy is thej to takęjcfaarge of one’s own leaming. This mvoives skills and attitudes which are not necessarilygotomatic, and which, therefore, nceddeyeloping. A certaia degres of aatonomy is always worth encoaraging because it raises jnOtivation and speeds up#rogress. It invoIves students refłecdng on what makes an effidsnt learaer and gives them the skills to become one. using tfae vast rangę of resources availaMe to them as effectńeiy as possible.
1 Kow often do you os® Enaiish rr, your eurotyday Kfe?
all day o once/twice a day o once a week □ once a mbnth o rarsSy □ never □
2 Sn what mecSa do you use EragBah Reading: newspapers o faxes □ emafls o letters □ novełs □ other d Writing: memos a faxes a emaiis c tetters □ artides □ prose a other □ TaHóng: on the phone a socialty □ bi meetings o giving preserrtationj, other o
Attending: conferences a dinners j meetings a Jectures o f&ns a othe.
3 What funcbons do you freguent ne&d to perform in EngSsh?
sociaising d negoiiating o invrting greeting □ presenting n agreeing C enąuiring a request»ng o intemjptinę pnomating □ describing a expSairm compteining o other o
4 Wh»ch do you feel you need to impityre? (Pnoritfee) grammar o vocabuiary o speakjng/prominciahon o reading Sistening n writing o other o
5 Whk* acthriSes do you find usef grarmp exercises o driHs o reading texts a tests o games a songs o drarna o discusskms o dictaiions o composihons o fistening to cassettes o other n
Fuwi someone wbo —
• iikes doing tests
• iikes to be corrected when speaking a foreigrt Ianguage
• prefers writing to speaking
• can sing a song in a foreign Ianguage
• Iikes to know whafs going to be inaiesson
• keeps beauhfuily neat notes
• prefers dictjonaries to computers
• watches fitms in a foreign Ianguage
• Stores and remembers vocabulary in pictures
• regulariy revises whafs been covered
• keeps a leamer diary
• writes poetry in a foreign Ianguage i e iikes to choose their own
homework tasks
Ifs amazing what you can Snd out
from a cfictionary ...
jyęeanmgs What is an aulopsy?
a) a type of flower
b) written permission
c) the examinatton of a dead body
Spsrgfogs Are these correct
august, authonse, austeer
Ptojiurdatśors Which syllabte is siressed in authoritarian?
Register Which is morę formai, aunt or aunty7
Sritish/Armaricafi Engfch VVhatdo Americans cdi autumn?
Abbrewiatiwis What does AA stand for?
Gramntatr Which is uncountaWe,
mńhor, au p&r, austerity? What is the piurai of aura, auWIiary, automatic? What is the noun form of autonomous?
1 ! give rnysełf the foBowing grades for progress on this course. (Score 1-10)
Speaking CD Ustening O Reading O
Writing C3
Grammar □ yocabuiary EU
2 My notes are: wełf-organised o compiete o ctear □ OK o messy o non-existent o
3 I review my notes: regulariy □ sometimes □ on ty before tests o never o
4 I do my homework:
always o often o sometimes n rarely o never □
5 i speak Engfish in ciass:
as much as posable a a lot o often a a Rttie o
6 I speak my own Ianguage in ctass:
oniy when necessary o often d a krt o tao much □
7 My fayourite dass actiyities are:
9 In my free time, I practise Engiisb using:
videos o TV □ radio o cfrtema a theatrs o novełs o other books d magazines o newspapers o computers □
10 The main difSculties I have with studying Engltsh are:
donft enjoy.