


Morę Uses of the Subjunctive: Adverb and Relative Clauses

Leo el cuento de hadas para que los    Iread the fairy talein order that (so that) the

nińos se diviertan.    children might have fun.

The conjunction para que introduces a dependent clause indicating the purpose or reason for leo, the verb in the main clause.

Wlieii Is the Suhjunetive Used in Dependent Adverb Clauses in Spanish?

If anticipation, doubt, purpose, or a condition concerning the outcome of an action or event is implied, certain conjunctions and phrases are used followed by the subjunctive.

Use the subjunctive in dependent clauses that may include information related to questions

such as howf, whenf, wheref, or why?

Escribo la nota para que la leas.

Here are some expressions that introduce the

a condición de que    provided    that

a fin de que    in order that, so that

a menos que    unless

antes (de) que    before

Corre mas rapido a fin de que ganes la apuesta.

A menos que tri no quieras, iremos al museo mańana.

El tren sale antes de que tu llegues

a la estación.

Desayunen Uds. antes de que yo vaya

de compras.

Te cuento mi problema eon tal que guardes el secreto.

En caso de que llueva, Juan lleva el paraguas.

I write the letterso thatyou might read it.

iubjunctive in dependent clauses:

eon tal que    provided that

en caso de que in case (that) para que    in order that

sin que    without

Run faster so that you win the bet.

We will go to the museum tomorrow unless you do not want to.

The train leaves before you arrive at the station.

Eat breakfast before I go shopping.

I will tell you my problem prouided you keep the secret.

In case it rains, Juan takes his umbrella.

The adverb clause may also precede the main clause, as we see in the last example above. Re-member: the infinitive, not the subjunctive, is used in Spanish if the subject of the main clause and the dependent clause are the same. Notę the preposition (para) that precedes the infinitive in the following example:

Hago ejercicio para estar en forma.    I exercisein order to stay in shape.



Los clientes estan en la tienda. Prdctica. Escribe la forma apropiada delpresente desubjuntwo de los verbos entre parentesis.

1.    Compran los zapatos antes de que la venta especial_ (acabar).

2.    Luis llama al dependiente (storę clerk) para que lo_ (ayudar).

3.    No puedes entrar en un probador (dressing room) a menos que_ (tener) la llave.


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