


The Commands

5. jQuiero comer ahora!    e. jYaya a la oficina de correos, caramba!


Recomendaciones. En espanol. Use la forma correspondiente del imperatwo del verbo entre parentesis. In this senes, write the pronoun as an indication of politeness.

1.    Be here at two. (Ud., estar) _

2.    Be generous! (Uds., ser) _

3.    Don’t go. (Uds.) _

4.    Know the truth. (Ud.) _

5.    Don’t give money. (Uds.) _

Wlieii Aro Formal Coiiimamls llsocl in Spanisli?

As customs become morę relaxed, addressing a listener or an audience in an informal tonę is morę prevalent in many areas of the Spanish-speaking world. However, it is still customary to use the formal commands when giving a direct command to a person or persons:

•    to whom you owe respect because of a title, rank, or age.

•    whom you are meeting for the first time or whom you consider unfamiliar. (Children and teenagers generally use the familiar forms among themselves, even at first meeting.)

•    whom you are unsure how to address.

•    whom you encounter in business, commercial, or professional settings. (It is generally safer for travelers, tourists, and other nonnative speakers to adhere to the formal form, that is, until they have madę some native-speaker friends who suggest switching to the familiar form.)

Remember usted and ustedes are also known as pronouns for tratamientos de cortesia o respeto, used to show respect and courtesy.



Marta habla eon la Sra. López. Usa la forma del tratamiento de cortesia usted.

1.    Por favor, \_ (hablar) mas alto!

2. Sra. López,_ (repetir) su numero de telefono.

3. Por favor,_ (explicar) una vez mas su problema.

4.    Sra. López,_ (escuchar) mis instrucciones, por favor.


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