

The Commands




(escuchar) los gritos de los fanaticos. (despertar) a T/uis, que esta dormido.


(aplaudir) al puitarrista.


(salir) al lobby durante el intermedio.


(comer) los chocolates antes de regresar a los asientos.

Yosotros Negative Command Forms

The negative vosotros command and the second-person plural of the present subjunctive forms are the same:

Infinitive    Vosotros negative commands

pintar (to paint)    No pinteis

beber (to drink)    No bebais

salir (togo out)    No salgais

•    To create the vosotros negative command without reference to the subjunctive, first notę that it is based on the yo form of the present indicative of any verb. Drop the -o and add the cor-responding ending.

remar (to row)    vender (to sell)    recibir (to receive)

rem-o No remeis    vend-o No vendais    recib-o No recibais

•    -Er and -ir verb endings are the same in the vosotros negative commands.

•    Ali the forms in all groups have an accent mark.

•    The yo form, minus the -o ending, is the stem for all regular and irregular verbs, verbs with spelling changes, and most verbs with stem changes.

No sirvais la cerveza si no esta fna.    Don’t serve the heer if it is not cold.

jNo conduzcais tan de prisa!    Do not drive so fast!

Irregular ]\egative Yosotros Forms

The negative vosotros form of ir, saber, and ser have the same stem as the usted command: Infinitive    Ud. command Negative vosotros command

no vayais no sepais no seais

ir (to go)    vaya Ud.

saber (to know)    sępa Ud.

ser (to be)    sea Ud.



En espańol. Usa la forma vosotro s.


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