2. the Goyas of today _
3. the Lopezes _
4. the United States _
5. twelve dollars a yard
6. working hard _
7. Secretary Ruben _
8. President Roosevelt
9. eating and drinking
Wlieii Are Definite Articles Oniitted iii Spanish?
In a very few cases the Spanish definite article is not used. Omit the definite article:
• with titles when addressing the person, or with San, Santo, Santa, Don, and Dona.
Sra. Almendro, pasę por favor. Mrs. Almendro, please comein.
Santo Domingo es una ciudad caribeńa. Santo Domingo is a Cańbbean city.
Aquf viene Don Pedro. Here comes Don Fedro.
• with nouns that refer to academic subjects.
Estudia matematicas y sicologia. • ordinal numbers used in titles.
He/She studies mathematics andpsychology.
El arttculo definido, ise usa o no? Escńbe el arttculo si es necesańo. Escribe una X si no necesitas el arttculo.
1. Entrega estos documentos a_directora de finanzas.
2. jQue caras (expensive) \ Rosas adiez dólares_docena.
3. Necesitamos_hoja de papek
4. _Morales llegaron al aeropuerto.
5. Las uvas cuestan un dolar_libra.
6. ^Estudian Uds._geometria?
7. Marcos es_enfermero.
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