




En espańol. Place the adjectmes in their appropńateplaces.

1.    He is courteous and generous. _

2.    We hear a loud and elear noise. _

3.    This chair costs three hundred dollars. _

4.    A glass of cold milk, please. _

5.    His office is on a long and narrow Street. _

6.    There are some new Stores on the first floor of this shopping center.

7.    Elly wants a brand new bicycle. _

Words That Function as Adjeetives

Other parts of speech can function as adjectives, modifying a noun or pronoun:

•    A noun + a preposition + another noun.

Rompi la copa de cristal.    I broke the ery stal stem glass.

(/Te gusta mi collar de perlas?    Do you like my pearl necklace?

•    Most past participles can complement a noun and function as adjectives. Remember that the regular past participles end in -ado and -ido and that many commonly used verbs have irregular participles. Consult Unit 10 and the Yerb Tables at the back of this book for past participles.

Las islas situadas al oeste de Ecuador son las Galapagos.

El piąto roto esta en la basura.

La puerta esta cerrada.

The islands situated west of Ecuador are the Galapagos Islands.

The broken dish is in the garbage.

The door is closed.



En espańol.

1.    the diamond earrings

2.    the open door _

3.    a summer dress _

4.    the broken records _

5. some plastic bags

6.    three paper baskets

7.    a crystal dish _

8.    the written letter _

9.    my gold ring _

10. the lost men _


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