patient, place the base in as close an ana-tomical position as possible. Make surę to rub the base prior to any further movement. The base of the Kinesio Strip is always started and ended with no tension as to minimize discomfort from tape application.
Tissue Stretch
Tensions are also listed descript\ve\y 1 terms \vhich sbou\d coiwey the amont '
tension desired. Desriptors used are1. r\ot\e to
ate (507<>Vsevere (75%) and fuR CUXyy0y Tape PiTectlcm
There are twobasic apphcariori directions
For all basie application techniques the for treatment of musdes. For acutely over
patient is placed in a position of stretch on the used ot stretched musdes the tape is applied musdetobetaped. Pladngthemusdeona fromlNSERTION toORLGIN. Fot cbroni-stretch in combination with the stretch capa- cally weak musdes ot where mereased cotv-
bilities of the Kinesio Tex Tape will create traction is desired the tape is applied from
convolutions in the skin. Skincoiwolutions ORIGIN toINSERTlON.
may be present following thebasic application 1NSERTION to ORIG1N application tape
or may appear duringnormal joint motion. It tension isvety little orhttleAWS^oof avad-is believed that even if convolutions are not able tension. Using the ptefettedKinesioTex
present they are oceurring. The creationof the Tape, this wouldsimply teąuire applyingthe convolutions aid in the normal flow of blood tape by placing it on the muscle as it cotnes
and lymphatic fluids. off of the papet backing fpapet off tension^. 1
Remember that the Kinesio TexTape is applied Tape Stretch to the paperbackingwith approximate\y 15%
of availab\e stretch. W\th taping from INSRR-The elastic qualities of the Kinesio Tex TION to OR1G1N it is impottant to letnember
Tape are designed for 35-40% stretch. When that “less isbetter", appiyingtoo much tension applying the Kinesio Taping Method, it is decreases desired results, not 'hem.
important to apply the Kinesio Strip with the correct degree of tension. lf too much tension origin
is applied the effects are diminished. It is better to not have enough tension. The proper
tension application is one of the most critical SgS§|| ;
factors in application success. directiou of muscle
Each taping method including basie, contraction \
corrective techniques, and dirucalconditions the tension during tape application is critical.
Tape stretch tensions are listed as a percent-age, and descriptively. Percentages are listed as the percentage of stretch to be applied based upon 100% of the available tension. Pot example, 15-25%. The meaning of this is 15-25% of the available stretch with 100 %
being the maximum stretch.
If you start wdth a 10 inch strip of KinesioTex Tape, and you stretch it to its# maximum avail-able tension (40% of overall length) itwouldbe 14incheslong. During application if the tech-nique requires 25% of the available tension, this would actually be 25% of the total avail-able or 1 inch for a total length of 11 inches.
directioi ot tape
ORIGIN to INSERTION application tension is light to moderate, 25-50% of j available tension. When applying the Kinesio Tex Tape with proper application technique for ORIGIN to INSERTION the practitioner should be able to see slight separation of the elastic fibers in the Kinesio Tex Tape. If, following tape application, the practitioner can see any depression in the skin, the tape is applied with too much tension.
With the skin properly prepared, base applied with no tension, and muscle on a stretch, it is now time to apply the Kinesio I Strip. Surround the muscle to be taped by j laying down one of the two tails of the "Y"
| Strip. Tension is applied evenly along the taił. As the tape is being laid down, follow behind with a thumb or finger and rub the tape onto the skin to initiate glue adhesion. When the taił of the tape is approximately one to two inches from the end, stop tension and lay the end down with no tension. Again, rub the applied tape strip to initiate glue adhesion
prior to moving the muscle from its current stretch position.
Where appropriate place the muscle in second stretched position to apply the second taił of the "Y" Strip. Follow the above description for the second taił.
A three Strip Y technique may also be selected. The third taił is applied directly over the muslce belly.
Once the basie application is complete it is important to instruct the patient about a few areas of concem. The tape needs approxi-mately 20 minutes to gain fuli adhesive strength. Exercise or activities which may initiate perspiration should not occur during this period. The tape can be wom for 3-4 days and bathing or swimming is allowed.
It is important to pat the tape dry and not use any type of heat device to dry the tape. The patient also needs to be comfortable with wearing the tape in a public setting.
"I" Strip Application
The application of the I technique follows the same basie principles as the Y technique. Instead of surrounding the muscle belly, the Kinesio Strip is applied directly over the area ofinjuryorpain. This technique has been found to be most effective following acute injuries to the muscle. Initially following a muscle injury, the I technique should be applied. Thenafter the acute injury phase, the practitioner may find inereased results switch-ing to the Y techn ique.
The X application follows the same principles as the Y and I techniques. The length of the X strip is measured with the muscle on a stretch. This is important, sińce an X tech-nique is generally used for a muscle which crosses two joints, when it is maximally stretched it may greatly inerease in length.
The stretch is added to the middle 1 /3 of the X strip, placed over the muscle belly, and the tails are laid down with no tension.