Possessive and Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns
Este autobils es muy cómodo. This bus is very comfortable.
Ese ano no viajamos. That year we did not trcwel.
Este autobus points to an object close to the speaker. Ese ano indicates a time not as close as what is conveyed by este, yet not very far from the time the conversation takes place.
De monstra tive adjective forms
este, esta this estos, estas these
ese, esa that esos, esas those
aquel, aquella that (over there) aquellos, aquellas those (over there)
Este dormitorio es nrio. This bedroom is minę.
Esa colcha es nueva. That bedspread is new.
Aquellas ventanas estan abiertas. Those Windows over there are open.
Remember that:
• demonstrative adjectives precede the noun they modify and agree in gender and number with that noun.
• the singular masculine forms of demonstrative adjectives end in -e (este, ese) and -el (aquel), not -o.
Practica. Usa lasformas correctas de los adjetivos demostratroos este, esta, estos, estas que corresponden eon el sustantroo.
1. |
sofa |
1. . |
2. |
siIlon es |
8. . |
3. |
alfom bras |
9. . |
4. |
espejo |
10. . |
5. |
mesa |
11. . |
6. |
salon |
12. . |
jaula (cage) del pajaro come do res (dining rooms) terraza
Consider the location of the speaker and his or her interlocutor in the following situations:
• Este, esta, estos, and estas indicate a physical location, a matter, or a time close to the speaker and the person or person he or she addresses.
Conozco al dueńo de este restaurante. I know the orwner of this restaurant.
Esta situación es muy delicada. This situation is very delicate.
• Ese, esa, esos, and esas refer to a place, a concern, or a time somewhat distant.