Possessive and Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns
cuadros no son muy interesantes. (aquf)
marco (frame) cuesta demasiado. (ahf)
6. <;Te gustan lamparas? (alla)
7. Necesito
fundas (pillowcases) para mis almohadas. (aqui)
En espańol.
1. Those books over there are rare. _
2. In this section they have many novels in Spanish. _
3. At the cafe I buy that tea from China. _
4. That cashier (cajera) is ready now. _
5. I am going to pay with this credit card (tarjeta de credito). _
6. Do you (Ud.) want (desear) to buy these postcards? _
7. Yes, but I prefer those envelopes (sobres, m.) over there. _
Demonstrative pronouns (los pronombres demostrativos) have the same forms as the demon-strative adjectives. Like other pronouns, they take the place of nouns.
De monstra tive pronoun forms
este, esta this one estos, estas these (ones)
ese, esa that one esos, esas those (ones)
aquel, aquella that one over there aquellos, aquellas those (ones over there)
Mi computadora es mas rapida que My Computer is faster than this one.
Remember that demonstrative pronouns:
• agree in gender and number with the nouns they replace.
• may have written accent marks (except the neuter forms esto, eso, and aquello). Notę that contemporary writing often omits the accent mark.
Toma este globo y deja ese a ese nińo. Take this balloon and leave that one for the
other boy.