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‘ 4»or<loii R.Dicks<
(iorilnn II. IlifkKon
It is (omorrow. The lines of limo cliange ravagc Ihc earih. Where ihcy pass, waler and carth arc Iransformcd inlo pasł and futurę, wreaking havoc, dcstruction, and annihilalion with newr-bcfore-experi-cnccd nalural disasters. Mankind is all but cx(inguishcd, only a handful of
Marc Dcspard is a man who will not— cannot—yicld. Fury locks him into a privatc war with tlić univcrsc as lic linds himself committcd to his own destruction as his only way to victory. He comes to a lonely discovery of self that teaches humblcncss, wisdom and, linally, the couragc to let himself be lovcd.
The Girl is a victim of the Time Storni. She has bcen wounded so deeply that at first nothing will make her sjieak, but in the end, she chooses to send what is cssen-lially herself beyond the limits of the universc, to bring Despard Ihc undcr-standing that will set him frcc.
The leopard is untraincd and dcadly. the insane victim of Time gone mad— who lovcs Dcspard and the Girl with an unjudging love that transccnds spacc and time. Finally, he reaches out from beyond death itsclf to touch those Iwo who mean morę to his wild and savagc soul than all that ever was or will be.