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‘ 4»or<loii R.Dicks<
liorilon It. Ilicksmi
It is tomorrow. The lines of time change ravage the earth. Where they pass, water and earth are transformed into past and futurę, wreaking havoc, destruction, and annihilation with never-before-experi-enced natural disasters. Mankind is all but cxtinguishcd, only a handful of survivors remain,
Marc Despard is a man who will not— cannot—yield. Fury loeks him into a private war with the univcrse as hc linds himself committed to his own destruction as his only way to victory. Hc comcs to a lonely discovery of self that teaches humblcncss, wisdom and, linally, the courage to let himself be loved.
The Girl is a victim of the Time Storm. She has been woundcd so deeply that at first nothing will make her sjjeak, but in the end, she chooscs to send what is cssen-lially herself beyond the limits of the uniyerse, to bring Despard the under-standing that will set him free.
The leopard is untrained and deadly. the insane victim of Time gone mad— who loves Despard and the Girl with an unjudging lovc that transcends spacc and time. Finally. he reaches out from beyond dcath itself to touch those two who mean morę to his wild and savage soul than all that ever was or will be.
Bonk Club Edilion