


UNIT 24. Indefinite and Negative Words and Expressions

Indefinite and Negative Words in Spanish 294


When Are Indefinite and Negative Words Spanish? 295

Other Negative Expressions 298

Used in

The Conjunctions pero and sino and Expressions 298

When Are pero and sino Used in Spanish? 299


UNIT 25. Interrogative and Exclamatory Words

Interrogative Words and Expressions 301 Interrogative Words in Spanish 301


Other Uses of Interrogative Words and Expressions 302

<:Para que? <:Por que? When Are They Spanish? 304

Used in

Interrogative Words and Expressions in Questions 305 Exclamations 306


UNIT 26. Numbers

Cardinal Numbers 308

When Do We Use Cardinal Numbers? 310

Ordinal Numbers 313

Other Numbers: Fractions and Multiple Numbers 315


Verb Tables



Spanish-English Glossary


English-Spanish Glossary


Answer Key



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